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Ttable teb()l n. C桌子;台子; 1.at table 进餐(时) e.g. They are at table. 他们在进餐。 2. at the table 在桌边 e.g. Father is reading newspaper when he sits at the table.爸爸坐在作旁看报纸。 3. table tennis 乒乓球 4. a table lamp 台球table tennis teb()ltensn. C乒乓球I like playing football best, but sometimes I play table tennis, too.我最喜欢踢足球,有时也打打乒乓球。tail teln.C(动物的)尾巴;尾状物take (took, taken) tekv.拿,拿走;乘坐;花费;吃,喝; Please take the trash to the garbage can.请将垃圾拿到垃圾筒去。It took him three hours to finish the exercises.他完成这个练习用了三个小时。l Take this medicine three times a day.这药一天服用三次。常用搭配:1. take a look 看一看 e.g. Can I take a look at your new watch? 我能看一看你的新手表吗? 2. take away 拿去,减去 e.g.Dont take it away. 不庶把它拿走。 3. take back 取回;e.g.I must take back what I had said.我已经收回了我所说的话。 4. take care of 留心,照顾。e.g.Please bake care of my young brother. 照顾好我的小弟弟。 5. take down 记下,拿下,取下。e.g. Listen carefully and takedown these words.认真听,记下这些词。 6. bake a bus 乘公共汽车 7. take a walk 散步,e.g. We usually take a walk along the beach in the evening. 我们经常晚上沿着沙滩散步。 8. take sth. out of 从里面拿走。e.g.He took the glass out of the box slowly.他将玻璃杯慢慢地从盒子里拿走。 9. take part in 参加10. take place 发生。e.g.What did take place yesterday? 昨天发生了什么事啦? 11. take up 从事工作e.g. They take up writing. 他们从事写作工作。 12. take it easy 别着急。e.g. Take it easy Ill help you. 别着急,我来帮你。 13. take care 当心 14. take sth. seriously; 认真对待某事。 e.g.We must bake our mistakes seriously. 我们应该认真对待我们的错误。 15. take an interest in 对感兴趣。e.g. I take an interest in music. 我对音乐感兴趣。 16. take medicine 服药tale teln.C叙述;故事 She was reading tales of adventure. 她在读冒险故事talent twlantn. C, U 天资,天斌She is proud that both her children have a talent for music.她为自己的两个孩子都有音乐天斌而自豪。talented tlntdadj. 有才能的,有才干的He had been a talented musician in his youth.他年轻时很有音乐才能。talk tkv. 谈话;讲话 n. C谈话,交谈;讲话.演讲I had a long talk with her that night.那天晚上,我和她秉烛长谈。 短语:1.talk to/with sb (about/ of)sth 2.talk back to sb 顶嘴3.Talk sb into /out of doing sth 说服某人做(不做)某事tall tladj.高的 ;高大的 I am already as tall as she is.我已经和她一样高了.短语:1. a tall order 困难的任务,无理的要求2. a tall story 荒诞不经的故事tape tepn. C 磁带,录音带Youll have to edit that tape, its too long.那盘录音带太长,你得把它剪辑一下。task tskn. C工作;任务He answered that he couldnt finish the task in time himself.他说他一个人不能按时完成任务。 短语:1. holiday tasks假期作业 2. task sb with sth将某事作为任务交与某人taste testn. C, U 品尝,味道,尝味 v. 品尝,尝味;尝起来 Ive got a cold and so I have lost my sense of taste.我伤风了,尝不出味道。The bread tastes delicious.这面包吃起来很美味。短语:1.taste good /nice/ delicious尝起来好吃 2.taste of sth 有某种味道taxi tksn. 出租汽车 短语:1.by taxi 2.take a taxi打车tea tin. U 茶;茶叶 If the tea is too strong, add some hot water.如果茶太浓,可加点开水。短语:1.make tea沏茶teach (taught, taught) titv. 教;传授,教书 Ive been invited to teach Chinese at the University of New York for one year.我应聘去纽约大学讲授一年双语。短语:1.teach sth to sb /sth传授,教授2.teach sb to do sth教某人做某事teacher titn. C教员;老师I asked the teacher for her advice.我征求这位老师的意见。team timn. C 队;组;团 Our team won the champion three years ago.我们队三年前夺得世界冠军。短语:1.team up with sb 与某人一起工作,合作technology teknldn.C, U技术;工艺,科技With the coming of modern technology, many jobs were lost.随着现代技术的到来,许多工作岗位不复存在。teen tinn. C 十几岁(十三到十九之间)Most people who smoke began smoking in their teens.多数烟民从十几岁时就开始抽烟了。teenager ti:neid3a(r)n. C 十几岁,青少年telephone telfnn.C电话,电话机;v.打电话; Our telephone lines are open during normal office hours.我们的电话在正常办公时间一直开通。I felt so badly I had to telephone Owen to say I was sorry.我心里实在难受,觉得必须给欧文打电话道个歉。短语:1. public telephone 公共电话 2. telephone number 电话号码 3. on the telephone 接上电话 e.g. Theyre just moved and theyre not on the telephone yet. 他们刚回家。 4. radio telephone 无线电话 5. mobile telephone 移动电话,手机。television telv()n; telv()n (=TV) n. C, U电视,电视机His first film was shown on television this weekend.他的第一部电影本周末在电视上播放。短语:1.on (the )television电视播放的tell (told, told) telv.讲;讲述 Its very kind of you to tell me the truth.你真好,告诉我这真相。Has she told you about leaving China for home?她跟你谈了离开中国回国的事了吗? tell. about . .告诉有关的情况The commander told the soldiers to stay where they were. 指挥员命令士兵们留在原地。( tell sb. to do sth.命令某人做某事短语:1.tell sth to sb/ tell sb about sth告诉,讲诉某事 2.tell A from B 辨别,识别 3.tell the truth说实话 4.tell sb to do sth 吩咐某人做某事temperature temprt(r)n.C, U温度;气温 Let me take his temperature and have a check. 我来给他量一下体温,检查一下。短语:1.get/have/run a temperature 体温过高 2. take sbs temperature量某人的温度,试体温ten tennum.十;十个tenth ten
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