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Wild animals1生活在野外live in the wild处在危险中wild animals in danger2又快乐又自由be free and happy3随时变成桌上的菜肴become dishes on the table any time4事实上in fact5能请你(不要)做某事吗?Could/Would you please (not) do sth.?6没门。No way.7同情狼have/take pity on wolves多可惜/遗憾的事啊!What a pity! / What a shame!/ Its a pity!8没有它们,我可能会死。I may die without them.垂死的狐狸/死亡的长颈鹿dying foxes / dead giraffes9动物世界的王者the kings of the animal world10关于斑马的报告a report on zebras11称呼某人call sb. 12看起来像一只老鼠/一些老鼠look like a mouse/ some mice13在四岁的时候(3)at 4 years old /at the age of 4 /When it was 4 years old, 14八个月以后8 months later15主要以竹叶为生mainly live on bamboo leaves16仅仅重100克weigh just 100 grams的体重the weight of 17面临严肃的问题face serious problems18熊猫生宝宝很困难Its difficult for pandas to have babies.熊宝宝容易生病和死亡。Its easy for baby pandas to get sick and die.对于某人而言,做某事是怎样的。It is adj. for sb to do sth.19因此as a result20立即(3)right away/right now/ at once21采取措施做某事(3)take action to do sth./act to do sth/do something to do sth.如果我们不采取措施,可能没有熊猫留下。来If we do nothing, soon there may be no pandas left.22有住的地方和吃的食物have places to live and food to eat23帮助熊猫繁殖更多的宝宝help pandas have more babies24建立更多的熊猫保护区build more panda reserves25制定法律保护熊make laws to protect bears26停止砍伐森林stop cutting down forests27为了肉或皮毛而猎杀/捕杀/杀害他们hunt/catch/kill them for their meat or fur28起初(2)in the beginning/ at first29出生时(2)when sb. was born / at birth30走向水 go towards water31害怕做某事be afraid of doing sth/to do sth32也许正和彼此玩may be playing with each other33闭着眼睛站着stand with its eyes closed34一些特殊的事something special35解答出简单的数学题work out easy maths problems在的帮助下(2)with the help of /ones help36迷路(2)get lost/ lose ones way37记住沿他们去的原路返回 remember to come back the same way as they went38冬天到来之前储存一些食物save some food before winter comes拯救斑马/ 安全的地方save zebras/ safe places忘记哪儿找到这些食物forget where to find the food39带有深色条纹的橘色皮毛orange fur with dark stripes40持续跑一小会run for a short while持续跑几小时而不停止run for hours without stopping41为任何理由杀害他们kill them for any reason42第一次外出go outside for the first time为了他们的皮毛,骨头和身体的其他部位而抓住它们catch them for their fur, bones, or other parts of the body43赶上早班车catch the early bus44独自生活(3)live alone/by oneself/ on ones own45闻到远处的东西smell things far away46作为一个团队工作work as a team47失去居住地lose living area48有越来越少的居住面积have fewer and fewer living areas49丧命lose ones life50对人类有危险be dangerous to humans51写信给某人write to sb.52买皮草(2)buy fur coats/ coats made of fur卖动物的骨头sell animals bones53再也不(2)not any more/ no more54游泳俱乐部的成员members of the Swimming Club55因为猎杀because of hunting56需要我们的保护need our protection需要保护海豚need to protect dolphins57一些著名的艺术家有精彩的油画Some famous artists have wonderful paintings58有快乐和悲伤的感情have feelings of happiness and sadness59为任何理由而杀他们kill them for any reason60接受我们的邀请accept our invitation61谢谢你们的好意。Thank you for your kindness.62巨大的爪子和松软的尾巴large paws and soft tails63吃植物和昆虫eat plants and insects64白天四处慢慢地游动move around slowly in the daytime65擅长攀爬和游泳be good at climbing and swimming66睡整个冬天sleep through the winter67几乎不伤害人类seldom hurt people68否则,世界上可能没有熊剩下了。Otherwise, there may be no bears left in the world.69决定做某事decide to do sth. 70准备做某事prepare to do sth.71同意做某事agree to do sth.72做某事失败fail to do sth.73似乎做某事seem to do sth.74情不自禁做某事cant wait to do sth.75开始做某事(2)begin/ start to do sth76忘记、记得做某事forget/ remember to do sth.77计划做某事plan to do sth. 8A Unit 5词组默写卷 姓名_1生活在野外处在危险中2又快乐又自由3随时变成桌上的菜肴4事实上5能请你(不要)做某事吗?6没门。7同情狼多可惜/遗憾的事啊!8没有它们,我可能会死。垂死的狐狸/死亡的长颈鹿9动物世界的王者10关于斑马的报告11称呼某人12看起来像一只老鼠/一些老鼠13在四岁的时候(3)14八个月以后15主要以竹叶为生16仅仅重100克的体重17面临严肃的问题18熊猫生宝宝很困难熊宝宝容易生病和死亡。对于某人而言,做某事是怎样的。19因此20立即(3)21采取措施做某事(3)如果我们不采取措施,可能没有熊猫留下。来22有住的地方和吃的食物23帮助熊猫繁殖更多的宝宝24建立更多的熊猫保护区25制定法律保护熊26停止砍伐森林27为了肉或皮毛而猎杀/捕杀/杀害他们28起初(2)29出生时(2)30走向水 31害怕做某事32也许正和彼此玩33闭着眼睛站着34一些特殊的事35解答出简单的数学题在的帮助下(2)36迷路(2)37记住沿他们去的原路返回 38冬天到来之前储存一些食物拯救斑马/ 安全的地方忘记哪儿找到这些食物39带有深色条纹的橘色皮毛40持续跑一小会持续跑几小时而不停止41为任何理由杀害他们42第一次外出为了他们的皮毛,骨头和身体的其他部位而抓住它们43赶上早班车44独自生活(3)45闻到远处的东西46作为一个团队工作47失去居住地48有越来越少的居住面积49丧命50对人类有危险51写信给某人52买皮草(2)卖动物的骨头53再也不(2)54游泳俱乐部的成员55因为猎杀56需要我们的保护需要保护海豚5
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