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河北省唐山市玉田县林南仓中学2016届九年级英语上学期期中试题2015-2016学年第一学期期中质量检测 九年级英语试卷(新目标units 1-6)1-5 CACBB 6-10 BABAC 11-15 ACBCC 16-20 BCBBA 21-25 CABBC26-30 ACABB 31-35 DDCBA 36-40 BDDDA41-45 DABCD 46-50 DACBA51-55 BACCB 56-60 DABCC 61-65 CBADC66. relatives 67. everywhere 68. open up 69. invention 70. doubt71. F 72. ancient Egypt 73. sounds 74. three 75. 在他们把它挖出来之前,它已经埋在黄沙下面数百年了。76. writing 77. safely 78. asleep 79. river 80. wishes81. He used to play sports a lot.82. What a touching story it is!83. When was the work finished?84. Do you know what time it begins?85. Learning is a lifelong journey.The Person That I Want to Thank MostIn my life, there are many people I should thank. Among them I want to thank my primary teacher most.I used to be a problem child because my parents worked in another city. Nobody cared about me except Ms Lin. Once I had a high fever, she took me to her home to look after me carefully. She cooked me a delicious meal. I got better soon. From Ms Lin, I knew the world was still full of love. It was Ms Lin who changed my life. I will work harder to make her feel proud of me.
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