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Unit1 Topic2 Section BThe main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。.Teaching aims and demands教学目标1.Master some new words and useful expressions:increase, rise, medical, medical care2.Go on learning the present perfect:(1) The population has increased a lot.(2) Chinese medical care has improved because our country has developed a lot.3.Learn how to read the numbers.Teaching aids教具录音机/多媒体课件/幻灯片/小黑板.Five -finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:14分钟)1.检查上节课教师布置的探究性作业,组织学生互评,教师选出若干份点评。)T: S1, you did well. S2, excellent2. (英语老师转换角色,当一次地理老师。)T: Today Im not your English teacher. Im your geography teacher. I believe we will be happy in the English-geography class.In this lesson we will learn something about the population of China. We know China has the largest population in the world(多媒体展示中国部分城市人口过多现象以及人口普查图表。). In 2005, Chinas population was 1.3 billion.(板书)1.3 billion: one point three billion(教师再板书两组小数,教会学生怎样去读。)5.68: five point six eight14.05: fourteen point o five(小数点后的“零”可读作“o”,也可读作“zero”。)T: Lets read the numbers below. Try to read them quickly and correctly.(教师迅速在黑板上写出几组数字,用后擦去。)0.08 billion 9.17 miles ¥258.00 452.73meters 10.78 million(学生会积极去读出这些数字,可让小组进行,然后个别提问。)S3: zero (naught) point zero (naught) eight billionS4: nine point one seven milesS5: two hundred and fifty-eight yuanS6: four hundred and fifty-two point seven three metersS7: ten point seven eight millionT: OK. You did very well. Do you know what the population was in 1985?(有的同学可能知道,有的同学可能不知道,但大家可能会纷纷做出猜测。)S8: One point one billion.S9: One point two.billion.T: Stop here. Your answers are nearly right. The population of China in 1985 was 1.06 billion. Why has the population of China increased so quickly? Because the lifespan has risen. (板书rise及其过去式和过去分词。)rise rose risenT: “Rise” means “increase quickly”. Why has the lifespan risen? Let me tell you. Chinese medical care has improved because our countrys economy has developed a lot. (板书)medical care developT: Heres a diagram about the lifespan. Please look at it carefully and talk about it.(教师用小黑板或幻灯片呈现下面的表格。)(学生们看到表格,可能会想起老师刚才讲过的内容,鼓励他们去表达自己的想法,可以让同学小组讨论。)T: Who is voluntary to describe the diagram? Dont be afraid of making mistakes.(学生可能会做出下面的回答。)S10: The lifespan has risen quickly.S11: The lifespan in 1930 was only about 25.S12: The lifespan in 1949 was about 35.S13: The lifespan in 1981 was about 69.S14: The lifespan in 1999 was about 25.T: You did a good job. But why? Who can give me the reasons?You can use the new words we studied just now.(学生可能会回答。) S15: The living conditions are good enough.S16: Chinas economy has grown a lot.(引导学生把grown 换成developed。)T: Yes. You can change“grown” into “developed”.(学生重复。)S17: Chinas economy has developed a lot.S18: Chinese medical care has improved.T: Excellent. Do you know the population of China is over one-fifth of the world?(板书)One-fifth: 1/51/2: a (one) half1/4: a (one) fourth或a (one) quarter3/4: three-fourths (或three quarters)7/8: seven eighths(用小黑板或幻灯片展示上面图片,让学生充分感知分数表达法,教师领读。)(接下来可采取竞赛形式检查学生的掌握情况。)(方案一):小组竞赛(使用幻灯片/多媒体/小黑板展示几组数字,在规定时间内看哪组学生读的数量多,正确率高。得分较高的为胜。)1/2 3/4 2/5 6/7 1/6 5/9 11/121/4 5/6 2/15 1/20 11/76 9/11 3/ 8(本组分数只供参考,为了公平,教师可多准备几组数字呈现给大家。)(方案二):个人竞赛(要求学生回答问题要简洁,明快。找两个同学当裁判,学生们以开火车形式进行比较,在规定时间内看哪个同学读的既快又准。读的最多、最准确者为胜。)(教师加以总结。)T: Well done. G1 is the best (或)S19 is the best.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 (时间:4分钟)(让学生听听力,填表。)T: We have known a lot about the population and the lifespan. Now please listen to the tape in 1a and complete the chart below.YearThe population of China19852005(用幻灯片/多媒体/小黑板将表格展示给学生。)(如果学生一次不能完成,可听第二遍。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:10分钟)(阅读,填表。)T: Please read 1a again and complete the chart.(学生可直接利用书中表格,也可以用其他方式呈现。)YearThe lifespan of Chinese people1930194919811999(本表格很简单,找同学核对一下答案,对表现好的提出表扬。)T: Please read 1a carefully and then perform it.(给学生几分钟时间准备,教师在黑板上写出关键词句。)(建议使用方案:采取评比方式,评出最佳老师及最佳学生。每次选出一个同学表演地理老师的角色,其他同学作为他/她的学生。几组表演之后,让大家推举出最佳老师及最佳同学。)T: Great. I think you all did well. Who do you think is the best teacher and who do you think is the best student?Ss: S1 is T1 is.T: OK. Everyone thinks is the best teacher. is the best student.Congratulations to them.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间: 12分钟)1.T: Look at the pictures of 2 and describe it.(让学生通过自己的猜测,用所学过的语言知识把图片描述一下。教师可以先提问程度稍差的同学,目的是复习较大数字的读法并把新旧知识结合起来。)S1: Picture 6 The jacket costs ¥326.00.S2: Picture 2 Its 6 575 miles away from Beijing to Toronto.S3: Picture 1 The mountain is 8 844.43 meters high.S4: Picture 5 The population of China is 1.3 billion.S5: Picture 4 I think the population of Anhui Province is 59.9 million.S6: Picture 3 The animal lived 210 million years ago.T:Yeah, very go
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