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冀教英语七下Unit 2一:词汇练习1. Dont _ _ (跳上) the train.2. Please _ (站) beside the train.3. _ (停止) working. Its time for lunch.4. This is his seat. Where are _ (我们的)?5. What did that _ (男人) say?6. Are you _ (准备好的) to get on the train?7. There are many _ (人们) on the train.8. They find _ (他们的) seats.9. Danny is _ (指向) to something far away.10. Cows and sheep like to eat green _ (草).11. Danny looks out of the window and sees many villages and _ (农场).12. There are _ _ _ (许多) places of interest in Beijing.13. -Where are you from? -Im from China, _ _ (当然).14. I hope you will _ (享受乐趣) your trip. 15. Everyone is _ _ (等待) the food to come.16. Im hungry. I would like a _ (碗) of noodles.17. Im _ (渴的). I would like a glass of water.18. Do you like _ (葡萄) or pears?19. Do you need _ _ (别的东西)?20. What would you like to _ (喝), coffee or tea?21. There are three _ (瓶) of milk on the desk.22. Do you like _(水果)? Its good for you.23. I like to play with _ (婴儿).24. Excuse me, may I _ (使用) your telephone? Mine is broken.25. The child can say some _ (单词) in English. How clever she is!26. - I cant find my cat. Where is it? - _ (或许) it is in the kitchen.27. Be _ (安静). The baby is sleeping.28. My father likes reading _(报纸) after supper.29. The salesman is _ (卖) socks. He is talking loudly.30. He is too _ (累) to walk there. He wants to take a taxi.31. _ (听)! The mother is singing to his son.32. The girl is _ _ (寻找) her mother. She looks a little scared. 33. _ _ _ (保管) your things.34. My mother is very busy. I have to _ _ (照顾) my little brother.35. We can buy train tickets at the train _ (车站).36. Can you _ (听到) someone crying in the next room?37. There are _ _ (成千上万) people at the Tiananmen Square.38. Look at the two _ (男人). They are my uncles.39. We have many _ (妇女) teachers in our school.40. _ (孩子们) like playing games. Unit 1-2短语及单词1邀请 2要;想要 3来,来(自) 4他/她/它们 5夫人,太太 6喊;打电话 7和;用 8谁 9哦 10极好的;精彩的 11什么时候,何时;的时候 12 动身,出发, 13因为 14到达,抵达某地 15(口语)再见 答案:词汇练习1. jump on 2.stand 3.Stop 4.ours 5.man 6.ready 7.people 8.their 9. pointing 10.grass. 11 farms 12.a lot of 13.of course 14.enjoy 15 waiting for 16.bowl 17.thirsty. 18 grapes 19. anything else 20.drink 21 bottles 22 fruit 23 a baby 24 use 25 words 26 Maybe 27 quiet 28 newspapers 29 selling 30 tired 31 Listen 32 looking for 33 Take care of 34 look after 35 station 36 hear 37 thousands of 38men 39 women 40 Children短语及单词1 invite 2 would like to /want 3 come from=be from 4 they 5Mrs. 6 call 7.and 8 who9oh 10 wonderful 11 when 12 start 13because 14 get to/ arrive at/in /reach 15 Bye-bye 2用心 爱心 专心
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