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江苏省东台市头灶镇中学中考英语二轮复习课时方案 任务型阅读(无答案) 牛津版专 题 内 容第 15 课时(总第 49 课时)主备人审核人执教者复习目标:1. 了解任务型阅读的命题形式和特点; 2. 掌握任务型阅读的解题策略; 导 学 活 动(以达成复习目标作为贯穿全课活动的一根“红线”,从助你补缺、给你定标、请你点击、引你运用、为你指点、推你提升等6个环节去设计整个教学过程):复习研讨:Task1:题型概览任务型阅读体现了遵循新课程标准相关理念,根据任务型教学的任务设计而形成的一种题型。我市中考英语该题型是根据短文内容完成信息表格。不仅要求考生有较快的阅读速度,并且掌握一定的阅读技巧;还必须会读表并善于快速掌握不同表格的特点,并根据新的语境来确定正确的词形,才能作出正确的答案。Task2:真题回放【2011盐城】阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waster every day and it does harm to our environment. Though we are young, we can still do something to help. In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment. Here are some ideas for you to live a green life.Remember these three words; reduce, reuse and recycle.Reduce means “ use less”. Dont waste things. This saves money and reduces pollution and waste going into the environment. Before we buy something new, think if it is really necessary or maybe the old one will be just as good! When we do buy thing, choose local products if possible, and try not to buy too many things from abroad.Reuse mean “ use again”. Use things for as long as possible. When we buy things, make sure that they last a long time. We should take care of them so that they will last, and we should repair them if we can instead of throwing them away and buying new ones. Dont use a paper cup or a paper bag. Its better to use a china cup and a lunch box because you can use them again.Recycle means “ change things into something else”. Although it takes energy to change something into something else, its better than throwing things away or burning them. Find out what can be recycled in your neighbourhood and take part in recycling programmes. We should also buy products made from recycled materials, such as recycled paper, to help save trees.Title: 46 to Live a Green LifeWe produce waste every day and it is 47 to us. We can do something to help. IdeasDoesDontsTo 48 Use less * Try to save something* Dont buy too many things from foreign 49 .To reuseUse 50 * Use things for us long as possible.* Buy things that last long.* Take care of things or 51 the old things.* Dont use 52 cups or bags.To recycleChange things into something 53 * Join in recycling programmes. * Buy 54 made from recycled materials.Dont 55 things away or burn them.Keys:46. How 47. harmful 48. reduce 49. countries 50. again 51. repair 52. paper 53. else 54. products 55. throw【观察与归纳】这篇文章为我们讲述了如何有效地保护环境,建议大家学会过“3R”生活,即reduce, reuse and recycle (减量、再使用和再循环)。对于48、50、51、52、53、54几个横线题, 我们可以从原文中直接找到相关信息, 所填单词也无须词形变换;对于46、47和55题, 我们可以从原文中找到相关信息, 但是需要根据题目的要求, 在理解文章的基础上选用合适的单词完成表格中的句子。Task3:解题策略1.认真审题,明确题目具体要求。题目要求:阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。可以从原文中直接获取。也可以使用文章中出现的词汇。盐城近几年来中考任务型阅读题型对所填单词的来源没有特殊限制,只要是符合题意和上下文“最恰当”的单词。2. 研读表格,尽量获取有效信息。迅速阅读和研究表格,预测所缺单词。通过分析表格的项目内容和结构特征,从而揣测命题的目的和意图,准确把握信息范围及对文章的理解方向。要特别关注文章的标题栏及表格前的小标题,这样有助于理解短文的大意。比如Title: 46 to Live a Green Life是归纳文章标题,To 48可以和下面同一列的To reuse和To recycle进行比较。其他内容分别从“该做(Does )”和“不该做(Donts)”两个方面来表示。我们仔细分析提示句(空格所在句子),根据句式和语法结构来分析提示句能够使我们很容易地推导出所填词的性、形、数。如We produce waste every day and it is 47 to us.47应该题写形容词,48为动词,49、52、54是名词,55是动词。这样在原文中找到相关信息后,就可以精确填词,不容易出错了。3.快读文章,有目的地查找相关信息。快速浏览的重点和目的应当是,带着审题时对文章大意和结构的了解以及所获得的问题,以最快的速度到文章相应的位置中搜寻有效信息。浏览文章时,不要过多考虑某些词句的意义,更不必进行细致的语法分析。和欣赏文章不同,我们阅读文章材料的最终目的是解决问题、完成答题任务。所以只要对答题没有太大影响,即使文章中有些词句看不明白也没多大关系。除非某些句子所包含的内容直接影响对文章主旨大意的理解或者对空格填词有重要作用,否则就不需要在这些方面花太多时间。4. 掌握技巧,准确填写表格内容。表格中的最上栏或最左栏常用的概括性词语有:原因(reasoncause)、方法(waymeans)、优缺点(advantangedisadvantage)、观点(opinionview)、建议(advicetipsuggestions)、目的(aimpurpose)、问题(problem)、影响和结果(effectresult)、个人信息(nameageoccupationpersonality)等。掌握这些概括性词语,可以帮助学生迅速准确地完成答题任务。 填写表格时,有些所填单词可以在原文中直接找出;有些需要在分析原文句子的基础上,结合题目特殊要求,填写出相关的不同词性的派生词、同义词或近义词等等(如47.harmharmful,49. abroadforeign county);有些则需要推理;还有些需要进行归纳总结或转述句子,在不失原意的基础上把答案正确表述出来(如:55.throwing thingsDont throw things)。5. 复查答案,完善答题细节。完成所有空格后,应该再次快速读完文章和表格,校对各题答案是否前后对应,所填单词拼写是否正确,是否符合文章内容。注意首字母的大小写(如46. How)、名词的单复数(如49. countries, 54. products)、主谓一致及非谓语动词的使用等。一定要趁热打铁,及时复查,发现错误、遗漏及时补充,填到答题卡上要书写正确、规范,容易辨认。Task4:解题小贴士1.盐城中考任务型阅读要求一空一词,不能多写单词或词组;2.审清表格,注意其横向纵向的类别规律和表达方式;3.答题时要注意题目要求,句子结构要求,同类或同栏表达一致性的要求。4.注意词性的正确使用。如:名词的复数,动词的三单,动词的过去式,过去分词,动词的现在分词,形容词、副词的比较级和最高级。总之,任务型阅读不同于传统的阅读理鳃这就要求学生在平时学习过程中夯实基础,加强常用词汇的积累,培养自己的创新思维,并养成细心答题的好习惯。课后巩固:中考说明p97-100阅读理解专项练习A USA? Britain? Which country is better to study in? We often hear such discussions. As China opens its door, it is a dream for many Chinese students to study abroad. They want to learn about the outside world.Its true that studying abroad can help students develop themselves. Their foreign language skills will be improved and it may be easier to find jobs.But there are problems that should be considered. Language is the first. Students mus
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