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Unit 7 What does he look like?Section B 一、先将下面的字母重新组合成单词,然后用这些单词补充完整下面的句子。l.lurcy 2. mcusteha 3. adlb 4. mudemi 5. bdelno 1. Wilson has no hair. He is_.2. This lady is from England. Her hair is not black. It is_.3. A: Is he tall? B: No, he isnt. A: Is he short? B: No, he isnt A: So, he must be_ height. 4. He looks cool and has a_.5. Many young women like to have _hair.二、完形填空。Bob is a 1 boy. He 2 at the back of the classroom. He likes sports very much. _ 3_ he doesnt like to study. He often sleeps(睡觉) in class. He is naughty (调皮),too.Today, they have a biology (生物课) lesson. Bob knows that the teacher is near-sighted.(近视眼) He 4 a pair of thick (厚的)glasses. Bob 5 his clothes on his desk and takes Jims seat. (座位) Jim _6_ in the class today. He is ill. And Jim sits in the 7 .When the bell rings, the teacher comes in .Oh, Jim, How can you be so 8 today. I remember you are 9 _and sits in the first row (行)yesterday.Yes, Mrs. Lin. I grew up last night. 10 smiles.All the students cant help laughing(忍不住都笑了)( )1. A. tall B. thin C. short D. fat( )2. A. stands B. sits C. seat D. is( )3. A. or B. and C. but D. /( )4. A. puts B. wears C. dresses D. have( )5. A. puts B. wears C. dresses D. have( )6. A. is B. isnt C. does D. doesnt( )7. A. back B. front C. middle D. corner( )8. A. tall B. short C. thin D. heavy( )9. A. tall B. short C. thin D. heavy( )10. A. Jim B. Bob C. the students D. Mrs. Lin三、阅读理解。读下面的短文,回答问题。 Mr, Smith is a driver In London. Today he drives a taxi through (穿过) a busy street. A young man with long, curly and black hair stops him and jumps(穿过) into the his taxi To the airport, he shouts. Hurry up! (赶快) Mr. Smith drives very fast but there is a red light.Oh, I dont want to miss (错过)my plane. The young man is nervous. (紧张的) Mr. Smith looks back and notices (注意到)the young mans face. He is the thief and kills a woman. “Ok. I know. Mr. Smith says to the young man and drives through the red light. Soon, a police car follows them. “Don t stop. shouts the young man.But it is too late. The policemen come up and stop them. He is the murderer.(杀人犯) shouts Mr. Smith.They catch the young man at once.1. What does Mr. Smith do?2. What does the young man look like?3. Where does the young man want to go?4. Why does a police car follow them?5. Do you think Mr. Smith is a clever driver? 四、熟读和背诵下列的谚语。 1A years plan starts with spring(一年之计在于春。) 2Bad news has wings(好事不出门,坏事传千里。) 3Beauty lies in the lovers eyes(情人眼里出西施。) 4Better late than never(迟到比没到强。) 5Blood is thicker than water(血浓于水)参考答案: 一、1.bald 2.blonde 3. medium 4. mustache 5.curly二、15. ABCBA 610. BBABB三、1. He is a taxi driver. 2. He has long ,curly and black hair. 3. He wants to go to the airport. 4. They drive through the red light. 5. Yes, he is. 3用心 爱心 专心
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