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Unit 2 My Favourite School SubjectLesson 14 Irfan studied China Teaching Content 掌握词汇及短语;interesting, travel, festival 识别词汇及短语:Chinas/Mothers/Fathers Day ,taketo Teaching Aims: 1.能以词或词组的形式简单记录所获取得信息 2.了解东西方文化差异 3.了解一些有关母亲节和父亲节的知识尊重父母。 Teaching Important Points Tag questions 反意疑问句 Teaching Difficult Points 1.反意疑问句中出现否定词时 2.祈使句的反意疑问句 Teaching Preparation 1.准备每个节日中有象征意义的物品 2.中国饭店中可能有的食物:西餐中可能有的食物 Teaching Aids 录音机,磁带,幻灯片,课前准备的物品或卡片 Type of lesson New lesson Teaching Procedure Step 1. Use the four senses we have learned to begin a free talk. The styles are different. Dialogues, compositions are all ok. Step 2.Ask questions What do you think about China? What do you know about the other countries? Which country do you think is the most interesting Which do you think is the most interesting ? Step 3.Read the text quickly. Then retell the story. If some students cant retell, they may repeat the important parts. Step 4.Say something about what our country is like in your eyes? Step 5.Talk about the important festivals in our country and in Canada. Compare the differences between them. Step 6: In small groups, talk about differences between China and Canada. After discussion, every group write their views down and then read it in front of the class. Step 7: Come to “LETS DO IT Step 8:Finish the activity book. Summary 1.了解中西方文化背景,有利于更好的学习英语. 2.注意”学困生” 在小组中要发挥必要的功能. 内容详解 1. Which one is the most interesting? 哪一个是最有趣的? The most interesting 是interesting 的最高级, 三者或三者以上之间的比较用最高级. 形容词的最高级的变化规则: 1). 一般情况下比较级直接加-er, 最高级直接加-est.例如: longlonger-longest 2).以不发音字母e 结尾的, 直接加-r, -st.例如:latelater-latest 3). 以重读闭音节结尾的,双写最后一个辅音字母,再加-er, -est. 例如:bigbigger biggest 4).三个或三个以上音节的形容词, 加more 变比较级,加most变最高级. 例如:deliciousmore deliciousmost delicious 5)不规则形容词的比较级和最高级 good/wellbetterbest littlelessleast farfartherfarthest muchmoremost 2. You learn more about different countries of the world.你了解世界上不同的国家 1) learn “学习,学会”.例如:learn music 学音乐 learn English 学英语 2) 与about, of连用,表示”听说,了解到,得知”例如: We learned about the news this morning.今天早上我才得知那个消息. 3) learn后跟that 引导的宾语从句, 表示”获悉,得知” We learned that he was in France.我获悉他在法国. 4).”听到,意识到” 例如: We are glad to learn that he teaches us English this term.听说他本学期教我们英语,我们感到高兴. 5).learn的过去式有两种,learned 或learnt,在美语中多用learned,在英语中多用learnt. 3. When we studied China, our teacher took us to a Chinese restaurant and a Chinese grocery store. 当我们研究中国的时候, 我们老师带我们去了一个中国饭店和一个中国杂货店. Took 是take的过去式.”taketo” 把某人带到某地 Please take the box to the next room.请把这个箱子搬到隔壁的屋子. His father always takes him to the park on Sunday.每逢星期天,他的父亲总是带他去公园. 4.Thats a funny name, isnt it? 这是一个反意疑问句.反意疑问句的结构不同于一般疑问句和特殊疑问句, 它是由陈述句+反意疑问词构成. 反意疑问词部分由助动词+陈述部分主语的相应代词。如果陈述句是肯定式,反意疑问部分则用否定式,陈述部分用否定式,反意部分则用肯定式,即所谓”前否定,后肯定;前肯定,后否定”.反意疑问部分通常译为”是不是,不是吗”等.例如: Its sunny today, isnt it? 今天天气晴朗,不是吗? He went to Beijing yesterday, didnt he? 他昨天去了北京,不是吗? 4. is called是被动语态的结构形式 被动语态表示句子的主语和位于之间的一种动宾关系, 该句中用来强调it即”北京. 被动语态的结构是be+及物动词的过去分词. 例如: Football is played all over the world. 全世界都踢球. His hair is cut every month. 他每月理一次发. 用心 爱心 专心
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