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Module 11 Unit 1 一、 用适当形式填空1. They are some (Russia) people.2. Many (visit) come to the Great Wall and take photos3. People usually kiss three (time),left,right,left.4. There are a lot of (country) in the orld.5. Peter and Julia are (German)二、根据句意及汉语提示写出正确单词。1)Its very cold. Tonys _ ( 鼻子) becomes red. 2)She is from _ (印度). 3)Dont_ ( 触摸)the dog. Its dangerous. 4)Uncle Li _( 亲吻)his son and then left home.二、 单项选择 ( ) 1. People usually kiss three times, left, right, left.A. Chinese B. British C. Russian ( ) 2.Chinese often when they meet. A. shake hands B. shakes hands C. touch noses( ) 3.They help when they are in trouble. A. each B. each other C. together( ) 4.In India people put their hands and nod their hands. A. each B. with C. together( ) 5.Would you like to talk with ?A. American B. Americans C. America三、 选词填空,注意词型。Japan visit nod German country1.They are from and they are Germans.2.People in different do different things. 3.They can speak .4.How many come to Beijing every year?5.The girl her head to show that she agrees with me.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 四、根据所给汉语完成英语句子。1.那是因为你不够仔细。 _you were not careful enough .2.我们应该互相帮助。 We should help _ .3.他们互相碰鼻子!They touch !五、根据今天所学内容,完成短文。In _, people shake hands and smile when they meet visitors. In _, people shake hand and sometimes kiss. In _, people put their hand together and nod their heads. In _, people usually kiss three times, In _, Maori people touch noses.六、补全对话。A. Yes, they can .B. Yes ,it does.C. Thats funny.D. Oh, they touch noses!E. Ha ha, body language is so funny.F. No ,it doesnt.G. No, they cant.A:Hello,Meimei,does the same body language mean the same thing in different countries?B: 1 ,You can wave goodbye in China, but its not polite in Greece.A:Can the different body language express the same thing?B: 2 ,For example, French kiss each other to say hello. But Japanese bow.A:What about Maoris in New Zealand?B: 3 A:Wow! 4 ,What do Russia people do?B:They usually kiss three times to say hello.A: 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3
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