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8A Unit 1 Friends【学习目标】知识目标:1.原级,比较级和最高级的一些其它用法。能力目标:1.能够运用形容词恰当地描述人或事物。 2.能够初步运用形容词的比较等级来比较人或事物。【学习重点、难点】1.形容词原级,比较级和最高级的一些其它用法。【学习过程】一、课堂学习研讨 原级,比较级和最高级的一些其它用法。1.than 后面可用主格,可用宾格。He is taller than_/ _/ _ _(我).2.同类事物相比: My hair is longer than _ (she)/I have more books than _ (your)这个箱子里的苹果比那个箱子里大。The apples in this box _ _ _ _ in that box.The apples in this box in that box.这儿的天气比北京热。The weather here is _ _ _ in Beijing.3.表示得多:much/a lot/far+形容词/副词 ,much/a lot/far+more/less+不可数名词 many+ more+可数名词一点儿 :a little+形容词/副词 , a little+more/less+不可数名词 a few+more+可数名词Hes _ than you.(大得多) She has _(多得多) books than I.5.the +比较级,the +比较级 你骑车越快,就越危险。_ _ you ride, _ _ _ you will be.你吃得越少,就越苗条。_ _ you eat, _ _ you will be.越快越好。_ _, _ _.6.even, still +比较级(注:very, so, too, quite,rather通常用在原级前) 今天比昨天甚至还要冷。Its _ colder than it was yesterday.7.越来越 :越来越重 _ 越来越重要_8.第二,第三 The Changjiang River is(第三长河) in the world.9.之一: China is one of (old country) in the world.10.比较级,最高级的转换: Lin Tao is the most careful student in his class. Lin Tao is more careful than_ _ in his class. Lin Tao is more careful than_ _ _ in his class. Lin Tao is more careful thanin his class. is more careful than Lin Tao in his class.二、课堂检测:选择题 ( )1.Tom is _of the two. A.younger B.the younger C.the youngest D.youngest( )2.Which one is_,the horse or the dog? A.big B.bigger C.biggest D.the biger ( )3.The Changjiang River is one of_in the world. A.the long river B.the longest river C.the longest rivers D.longest rivers( )4.Tom is taller than Mike. But he is not_Mike. A.strong as B.as strong as C.so strong D.as strong( )5.Nangjing is bigger than_in Shangdong.A.any city B.any other city C.any cities D.any other cities.( )6.Is English more difficult than Maths?No, English isnt as _ as Maths. A.easyB.difficult C.easier D.more difficult( )7._ children there are in a family, _ their life will be. A.The less, the better B.The fewer, the better C.Fewer, richerD.More,poorer( )8.It was _ easier than we had thought. A.moreB.much moreC.muchD.more much( )9.The weak girl said she felt even _. A.bad B.well C.worse D.worst( )10.Do you think the fish tastes _? She cooked it _, I think. A.good, good B.well, good C.well, well D.good, well三、作业布置:词形变换: 1.Her mother is getting _(fat) and _ (fat).2.I think it s too expensive. I d like a _ (cheap) one.3.This book is not as _(interesting) as that one. 4.Practise as_(much)as you can. The _ (much), the_(good). 5._(ski) is one of _(exciting) outdoor _(activity), I think.6.This is _(light) and thinnest of all the e-books in the world.7.Maxs drawing is better than anybody _(else) in his class.8.The tunnel under the Changjiang River makes it much _(easy) to get to Putou District than before.9.The scientists are getting ready for the _(far) study on the project.10.This river is three times _(wide) than that one.11. Who came here_(early), Mary or Jane?12
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