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课题:Module 2 What can you do Unit 3 Language in use学习目标语法复习:情态动词can的用法 I can play the piano. She can dance very well. Can you cook? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.程序集体备课内容个案补充学习过程一、自读与反馈质疑(自学Language practice,找出语法点)二、合作交流 知识梳理三、即时训练 做课内练习1-4四、 达标检测 A短语归纳1.打乒乓球2.弹钢琴3.仅此而已4.与某人相处融洽5.承诺做某事6.乐于做某事7.擅长于某事(2种)8.的开端/开始9.担心.10.骑自行车11.教某人做某事12. 放风筝B完成句子1. 我们会尽一切努力使你幸福。 We will do our best to _you _.2.他们两个人都擅长英语。 Both of them _ _ _ English.3.我的儿子保证本学期努力学习。 My son_ _ _ hard this _.4.汤姆总是乐于助人。 Tom is _ _ _ help others.5. 我们都认为彼得很容易相处。We all think Peter is easy to _ _ _ _.C.单项选择1.-Who _that piano? -My sister, when she _time.A. plays; has B. is playing; has C. plays; is having D. is playing; has had2.Many young men enjoy _the pop music.A. listen to B. listening to C. to listen to D. listening3.The funny story made us all _ loudly. A.laugh B. to laugh C. laughing D. laughed4.They were very happy to _ the League. A. join B. join in C. take part in D. go in for5.-Im sorry I _my exercise book at home. -Dont forget_it to school tomorrow, please. A. forget; to take B. left; to bring C. forget; to bring D. left; to take1.独立完成,小组核对答案2.教师指导,聆听。3.学生辨析,教师总结。4.先独立完成达标训练,再小组检查。板书 Module 2 What can you do? Unit 3 Language in use 情态动词can的用法 I can play the piano. She can dance very well. Can you cook? Yes, I can. / No, I cant反思3
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