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Module 12 Help课 题Module 12 HelpUnit2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture主备人 课 型Reading & writing上课日期课时安排2总课时数学 习目 标1.能正确读出并识记本文的单词earthquake, warn, inside, under, window, keep,clear of,clam,brave.2.了解地震逃生的办法。 3.运用所学知识制作地震来临的紧急预案。 学习过程备注课前自学.看音标读单词,并写出下列单词。 /:keik/ /w:n/ /In:said/ /nd/ /ki:p/ / wind/ /kli/ /k:m/ /breiv/ /helpfl/ /pa/.翻译下列短语。 1.对. 几乎没有认识_ 2.保持冷静_3.远离窗户_ 4.不和.接触_5.停止震动_ 6.总之_ 7.warn sb. about sth._8. keep clear of fires _ 9.落石_ 10. it is difficult to do sth. _III. 翻译句子。1.远离窗户和重家具。_2.警告人们关于它们(地震)的事情是很难的。_3. 不要站在街灯附近或电线下面。 课堂导学. Warming-upLook at the pictures and answer the questions.1. Whats happening?2. What do you think of the earthquake?3. What to do in an earthquake?.ReadingTask 1.Read the passage quickly, answer the questions. 1. Is it difficult to warn people about an earthquake? 2. How many suggestions about earthquake does the writer give?Task2 .Complete the table according to the passage and try to write down more.Some advice about earthquakeDODo notInsideOutsideTask4.Finish A4.Task5.Finish the Mind map 76课堂检测根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1.在危险中,保持冷静是重要的。 Its important to _ _ when we are in danger.2. 留心那只狗,它有时候会咬人。 _ _ _ the dog; it sometimes bites people. 3. 总而言之,孩子们必须学一些基本生活技能。 _ _, children must learn some basic life skills.4.当火灾发生时,他从楼上跳下,受伤严重。When the fire happened, he_ _ _ the building and hurt himself badly.课后延学Write some instructions about what to do in an earthquake. Its important for us to keep safe when an earthquake happens. we should pay attention to the following. First Second Third At last 77 7572 7374793
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