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班级_密封线姓名_考场号_座位号_准考证号_2012-2013下学期九年级第一次月考英语试题一听力部分(25分)听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分。计5分)( )1Amaking Btaking Cworking( )2A7:45 am B9:15 pm C9:45 pm( )3Amake up B1ook up Cend up( )4AYou read English too loudly BYou should read English loudly CYou are not allowed to read English aloud( )5AMy father was interested in tennis in the past BMy father is interested in tennis at the moment CMy father doesnt like tennis at a11听句子。选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题。每小题1分。计5分)( )6AEnglish BComic books C1 want to go abroad( )7AYes,she likes it BYes,he has CNo,we are not allowed( )8.A I agree with you BYes,I want one. CWhy not ask your teacher for help?( )9AGood idea BOK,lets go shopping CThats all right( )10AHow great! BNo,neither of them CNo,youd better not听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) ( )11ATom BJack C。Helen( )1 2ABy talking with foreigners BBy practicing conversations with his friends CBy talking with his English teacher( )1 3AMary BBen CBetty二.单项选择(共20分,每题一分)26.He cant speak English _ his classmates, but his listening is better. A as much as B as well as C as good as D as possible as27. Though his grandmother lives _,she never feels _.A alone ,alone B alone , lonely C lonely ,lonely D lonely ,alone28. His sister _a doctor, now she works in a company.A is B was used to C is used to be D used to be29. Our head teacher is very strict _us_ everythingA with , with B in ,in C with, in D in, with30. Mr Smith was not _to do his workA careful, enough B carefully, enough C enough, careful D enough ,carefully31. There are many toy cars in the shop ,I dont know _.A how do I choose B to choose which one C which one to choose D what to choose it32. My sister wants to get her hair _.A to cutting B cutting C to cut D cut 33. I think students should _go out at night.A not be allowed B not allowed C not be allowed to D not allowed to 34. _Are you going hiking with me this Saturday? _Oh, I wont go _I finish the task.A if B while C because D unless35. We often practice English _our friends.A in talk with B in talking C by chatting to D by chatting with36. She needs a pen to _.A write with B write to C write D be write 37. Liu Mei says that _the words of pop songs can also help us_the English words and learn English well.A memorize memorize B memorize memorizing C memorizing memorize D memorizing memorizing38. I want to know if you will come to the party. If you _, so _A will , will I B will , do I C do , do I D do , will I 39. He hardly read the English article, _?A doesnt he B does he C didnt he D did he40. Lin Mei became a _hero in the earthquake.A six years olds B sixyearold C sixyearsold D six year old41. He is a _person, he _in everything.A succeeded , success B successful , succeed C successful, succeeded D succeeded, successful42. After a weeks study, all of us felt_.A asleep B sleepy C sleep D sleeping43. If you put your heart into the task, you can do it _.A easily B difficult C differently D quick44. There used to be many old houses, _?A arent there B were there C didnt there D do there45. Im afraid _ the dark, so Im afraid _out at night.A at , go B to , to go C of , going D of , to go三. 完型(10分)Do you always agree with your teachers? Sometimes you might have 46 answer to a math problem from your teacher. Or perhaps they scold (责备) you when you dont think you did anything wrong.What do you do then? A story on sina.com said that 47 students are speaking out and even arguing with their 48 . Its 49 for students to say what they think. In the past, 50 Chinese students dared (敢于) speak back to their teachers. It was an unwritten rule that teachers are 51 right. But now students are beginning to think more by themselves and dare to 52 what they want.But students should choose the right way to speak out. You should respect teachers. They are older than you and have more 53 . So, never use rude words when speaking to them. And dont make them feel bad when you do not 54 them. Try to find the right 55 to talk to your teacher. For example, discuss the problem after class. 46. A. the same B. a different C. the wrong D. a right 47. A. again and again B. less and less C. over and over D. more and more 48. A. friends B. parents C. teacher
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