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Unit1 How can we become good learnersPeriod 6 Section B(3a-self check) 班级:_组名:_ 姓名:_【学习目标】1. 扎实掌握第一单元所有重点单词和短语,并能灵活运用。2. 能通过给朋友写信的方式向他人介绍科学有效的学习技巧和方法。3. 培养良好的学习习惯,让自己成为一个好的学习者。【学习重点】能通过给朋友写信的方式向他人介绍科学有效的学习技巧和方法。【学习难点】能通过给朋友写信的方式向他人介绍科学有效的学习技巧和方法。【学习过程】一、目标呈现Task 1. 大声朗读本单元的单词,认真识记准备听写。Task 2. 认真完成selfcheck部分。 Task 3. 通过认真预习,我能关上书认真翻译下面的短语。1.be stressed out _ 2.study skills_ 3. bit by bit_ 4.instead of doing sth._ 5. over and over again_二、自主合作1、和搭档一起认真核对自主学习案的答案。2、 组长根据自己小组的安排给组员听写单词。3、如果你的朋友想要提高英语并且向你询问学习方法,请想想你心目中的最好的三个学习方法是什么,并给出理由,完成3a。4、Step 利用3b给出的表达以及3a 中的信息给你的朋友写一封信,向他/ 她介绍学 习英语最好的方法。字数80 词左右。5、 组长按照要求安排组员间相互评价各自的信。标注出错误的地方和写得精彩的地方。并在老师的指导下进行评分,选出小组内最佳作文,并展示。三、展示质疑Good learners are also not afraid of making mistakes.(1)be afraid of sth/doing sth 害怕做某事【担心(出现某种不良后果)】(2)be afraid to do sth 害怕去做【“怕” 或 “不敢”去做某事】(3)be afraid +that 恐怕【用于礼貌地表达可能令人不愉快的消息】(4) 回答别人的提问时, 可用省略形式I m afraid so (not).如:The girl was afraid to go across the bridge, for she was afraid of falling down from it四、巩固构建I. 选择最佳选项。( )1. _or not you can learn well depends on your learning habits.A. If B. Weather C. How D. Whether( )2. I have finished _my report. May I start to learn _the guitar?A. writing, playing B. writing, to play C. to write, playing D. to write, to play( )3. Good learners arent afraid _mistakes. Instead, they learn _mistakes.A. of making, from B. of making, in C. to make, from D. to make, in ( )4. Could you please tell me _?A. how can I get to the park B. which is the best way to learn EnglishC. when will the train arrive D. how can I improve my listening ability( )5. Can you _which is the right answer to the question? A. look for B. find C. find out D. search forII. 书面表达。你上学期英语学习困难,这学期在老师Mr. Black的帮助下,你每天练习讲英语,经常和同学英语对话,课堂上做语法笔记,一个星期听一次英语磁带,遇到难题就去请教Mr. Black,现在你的英语成绩大有提高。而Mr. Black在结束了为期一年的教学后即将回国,请你写一份感谢信并祝他旅途愉快。字数80左右。Dear Mr. Black,I m sorry to know that you are going back toEngland_3
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