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Detective Stories一、学习目标(1)To develop students ability of analyzing issues. (2)To arrange and write a detective story.(3)To strengthen their awareness of protecting themselves. 学习重点、难点(1)To arrange and write a detective story.(2)To develop students ability of analyzing issues.二、词汇、短语 1get along with 与。相处的好2do sth for a living以。为生3come home from work下班回家4be charged with因。被指控5be guilty有罪6check these for fingerprints检查这些核实指纹7be under arrest for murder因谋杀而被捕三、句型1) No one knows what he does for a living. 没有人知道他靠做什么为生。 dofor a living 做为生make a living 谋生e.g. His uncle used to repair clocks for a living.他叔叔过去靠修钟表为生。2)Bruce gets along with all of his neighthours except the man who lives next door.布鲁斯和邻居相处和睦,除了住在隔壁的那个男人。 get along / on (with someboby) 与某人和睦相处,关系良好”e.g. He has never really got on with his flatmates.他和室友们一直合不来。3) Youre under arrest for murder. be under arrest for 因为而被逮捕e.g. He was under arrest for murder.他因为谋杀而被逮捕。= He was arrested for murder.【课前导学】一、翻译下列短语1. 被指控偷窃 2. 做.谋生 3. 与相处得好 4. 下班回家 5. 因谋杀而被捕 6. 一些贵重珠宝 7. 掉了项链 8. 除了住在隔壁的男子 二自学生词并圈出自己不理解的短语【课堂学习】Step1 Revision Retell the story of Part Reading / 3-minute speech.Step 2 Lead-inMillie has entered the school writing competition. She has drawn some pictures to help her plan her story. Can you help her label the pictures.Show the pictures and talk in groups: What happened?Try to answer:1.What did Bruce find outside his door?2.What did Bruce plan to do the next day?3.Do you think Bruce was the theft, why?Step 3 Presentation and practice1.Describe the pictures.2.Label the pictures and complete the sentences of the first part of the story.Step 4 Group workDiscuss and talk about the ending of the story.Step 5 Presentation and writing 1. Describe the pictures of Part C.2. Find some details about the story.3. Pay attention to some points that should be included.4. Write a detective story about it.Step 6 Evaluation time (评价时间)1.Self-editing:(自我修改)Check your reports by yourselves , find out the mistakes and try to correct.段落分明,要点齐全,时态恰当,结构正确,句式多样,过渡自然,观点合理,书写规范。在保证正确的前提下,多用层次高的同义词、句。2. Peer-editing(同伴互改)Share your reports with your partners, check his/her report and give a mark.Give him/her some advice.评分标准:满分10分1段落不清晰,扣1分2 时态错误,扣1分3 要点遗漏,每条扣1分4 句式简单、重复,扣1分5 没有适当的过渡语,扣1分6 书写不规范,扣1分7 语法,拼写错误,每处扣0.5分【课后拓展】一词的适当形式填空:1 Young girls had better_ (not go) out alone at night.2 We should remember _ (lock) any useful information about the murder.3 He was arrested for _ (thief).4. Do you know who _ (steal) the expensive necklace?5. Its cold outside. Would you mind _ (shut) the windows?6. He told me the man never _ (speak) to anyone.7. A little girl _ (kidnap) the day before yesterday.8. Nancy is a good woman and she has no_ (crime) record.9. Now the _ (safe) is becoming more and more important.10. What did he do for a _ (live)? - He sold flowers.11. The artists of the world are all _ (wealth).二. 选择:( ) 1. Drunk driving is _ the law now. It must be forbidden. (禁止的)A. against B. for C. without D. with( ) 2. You _ drive your car so fast. Its very dangerous.A. wouldnt B. shouldnt C. couldnt D. mightnt( ) 3. -What do you often do _ classes to relax yourselves?- We often do eye exercises, listen to music or do some running around the school.A. in B. among C. between D. through( ) 4. Well have a _ holiday. My parents will leave me_ and I will feel_.A. seven-days; alone; lonely B. seven-day; alone; lonelyC. seven-day; lonely; alone D. seven-days; lonely; alone( ) 5. On his way to school, Andy saw a thief _ in a shop, so he stopped_ 110 at once.A. steal; call B. to steal; call C. stealing; to call D. stealing; calling( ) 6. The young lady _ is interviewing Lin Zhixuan about the program I am a singer is from 21st Century Talent Net.A. who B. whom C. which D. whose( ) 7. A student in Fudan University was killed by his roommate just because of small things in daily life. It is important for students to learn how to _ each other.A. get on with B. come over toC. stay away from D. keep in touch with( ) 8. We are _ that some valuable paintings are stolen in the museum. What_ news!A. surprising; surprising B. surprised; surprisedC. surprising; surprised D. s
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