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Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater测试题( )2.1 like the Big Screen Complex because it has _ screen. A. bigger B. the worst C. the biggest D. worst ( )3.The weather is _ today than yesterday.A. bad B. worse C. badder D. badly ( )4: Which is_season in Beijing? A. better B. best C. the best D. good ( )5. Shu-how Lin is now one of _ basketball players in the NBA. A. popular B, more popular C. the most popular ( )6.We decide _ to Beijing tomorrow. A. going B. go C. to go D. goes ( )7.They make the little boy_ _ the room every day A. cleans B. clean C. to clean D. cleaning ( )8.All these talent shows have one thing _ common.A. on B. in C. at D. for ( )9.Our teacher asked us to_ _ a story about the moon. A. make up B. make of C. make in D. make out ( )10.Its fun _ the talent show. A. watch B, to watch C, watched D. watches二、词汇(20分,每空2分)1. I think staying at home is more c_ than traveling around.来源:学科网2. We have three m_ every day- breakfast, lunch and dinner.3. There are five hundred s_ in the meeting room.4. His acting is very great. He is a first-rate(一流的) _(perform).5. Qingdao is a fantastic place _(go) on vacation.6. I think Betty is _(creative) student in our class.7. When I came in, I watched him _(talk) to his friend on the computer.8. I think Funky Fashions clothes store is _(bad) than the others in town.9. Please speak _( loud), we cant hear you.10. Linda is the _(win) of the school singing competition.三、句型转换(20分)(每空一分)1.It is about three miles from the market to the hospital.(对画线部分提问) _ _ is it from the market to the hospital? 2. Movie World has big screens. Town Cinema has bigger screens.(合并成一句) Town Cinema has_ screens _ Movie World. 3.Trendy Teens is the best clothes store in town.(对线部分提问) _ is the best clothes store in town? 4. This red jacket is cheaper than that blue one.(改为同义句) That blue jacket is _ _ than this red one. 5 Jim is taller than the other two.(改为同义句) Jim is _ _ of the three. 6.Funky Fashions has the worst clothes in town.(改哭 一般疑问句) _ Funky Fashions _ the worst clothes in town? 7,Mikes hair is 5 cm long. Jacks hair is 6 cm long.(合 并为一句) Mikes hair is _ than _ .8.It costs about 180 yuan for a night in the hotel.(对画 线部分提问) _ _ does it _ for a night in the hotel? 9.1 think Jasons has the best clothes in town.(改为圣 定句) I _think Jasons _ he best clothes in town. 10. The tall boy wins the game.(改为同义句) The _ _ the game is the tall boy. 四、根据汉语意思完成句子(40分,每空一分)1. I _ _ in town. (我新来镇上)2. Its always interesting _ _ other people _ their _. 看别人展示才艺总是很有趣。3. All these things shows _ one thing _ _: They _ _ _ _ the best things. 所有事情有一个共同点:他们尽力找出最好的歌手。4. Thats _ _ you _ _. 那由你自己来决定。5. When people watch the show, they usually _ _ _ _ _ the winner. 当人们在观看表演时,同场承担着评判优胜者的角色。6. The winner always _ _ _ _ _.(获得一份非常好的奖品)7. However, if you dont _ these things _ _, they are fun _ _. 然而,如果你不把这些节目太当回事,他们还是有看头的。8. They give people a way _ _ their dreams _ _.9. However, _ _ _ _ these shows. 不是所有的人喜欢看这些节目。陷阱题 1 .The weather in Beijing is colder than _A. of Wuhan B. W uhan C. that in W uhan D. that of Wuhan 2. _ classroom is much smaller than _ .A. Our;their B. Ours;theirs C. Our; theirs D. Ours;their 3. Xiao Li is the _ of them two. A. tall . B. taller C. tallest D. more tall 4” How time flies!Ten years_ _ passed. have、B. has C. is D. are 5. Its about 20 minutes walk to the farthest restaurant. (对画线部分提问) _ _ is it to the farthest restaurant ?2
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