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天津市天津八中2013届九年级英语上学期期末冲关训练A2 人教新目标版时间45分钟 100分一.短语中英互译。(一题一分,共40分)(1.)汉译英1.看一眼 _ 2.同相似 _ 3.在左边 / 在右边 _4.接,拣起 _5.即使 _6.在那边 _ 7.和某人说几句 _8.赢得的心 _9.从开始,以来 _10.放弃 _11.碰见 _12.与一起 _13.由于,多亏 _ 14.向增加 _ 15.取得进步 _16.旅游胜地 _17.填写 _18.登记入住 _19.(机场的)候机厅 _20.动身,出发 _ 21.下(火车,公共汽车等) _ 22.要么要么,不是而是 _23.(从)跌落 _ 24.结婚 _25.过(某种生活) _(2.)英译汉 1. What are you up to? _ 2. Would you like a hand? _ 3. by the way _ 4. I bet you do _ 5. You bet. _6. in with a chance to win _7. Youre kidding! _8. Perhaps I left it upstairs. _9. It is no laughing matter. _1 0.That is a smart idea! _11. have a happy ending _12. play an important part in _13. come up _14. pocket money _15. go straight to 二完成句子(一空一分,共50分)1.这家音乐俱乐部是在三年前建立的。The music club _ _ three years ago.2.周宇经常拿自己和别人做比较。Zhou Yu often _ _ _ others.3.既然有空,我们就去旅游吧。_ _ we are free, lets go travelling.4.确保每个学生都有一个书包。_ _ each student has a schoolbag.5.你能查一下火车什么时候到吗?Can you _ _ when the train arrive?6.起初我并不喜欢他,但现在喜欢了。_ _ _ I didnt like him,but now I do. 7.没有人知道这幅图画代表什么。No one knows what this picture _ _.8.不要让这条坏消息影响我们。Dont let the bad news _ _ us.9.昨天老师对我们很生气。The teacher _ very _ _ us yesterday.10.她说得太快,我听不清楚她说的话。She spoke _ fast _ I couldnt hear her clearly.11.我爸爸没有机会上大学。My father has got _ _ to go to the university.12.符号x代表一个未知数。The sign x _ _ an unknown number.13.如果与托尼对阵,你将没有获胜的机会。You will _ _ _ to win if you play against Tony.14.大家注意听。今天下午有个会议。_ _, everyone. There will be a meeting this afternoon.15.杰克的父母要出国学习,所以他将暂时和他叔叔生活。Jacks parents will study abroad, so he will live with his uncle _ _ _.16.从今以后,你应该关注你的健康。You should be careful about your health _ _ _.17.大卫打算几天后参观上海。David is going to visit Shanghai in _ _ _days.18.这件毛衣是她妈妈手工织的。This sweater was made by her mother _ _.19.你不需要清理这些窗户。我来处理吧。You neednt clean these window.Ill _ _ them.20.如果你把杯子放在桌边,它会掉下来的。If you put the cup _ _ _ _ the table ,it will fall down.三补全对话。(共10分)(一)A: Hello, may I speak to David? B: _.(1)A: Hi, David! This is Lin Tao speaking. B: Hi, Lin Tao . Whats up?A: What are you going to do next Sunday?B: _.(2) Do you have any ideas?A: Shall we go to the zoo? I hear theres a dolphin show there.B: A dolphin show? Good idea!_ ?(3)A: By bike.B:_? (4)A: At half past nine.B_? (5)A: Lets meet outside the zoo gate.B: All right .See you then.(二)A: Good morning, madam. _? (1)B: Id like a T-shirt for my son.A:_? (2)B: Size L. He is a tall boy. He loves cotton T-shirts.A_? (3) Its made in China.B:OK. Let me have a look._? (4)A: 120 yuan. Its popular now.B; But Im afraid its a little more expensive.A: Do you like the black one? Its only 80 yuan.B: Hmm, it looks nice ._. (5) Thank you. 3
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