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天津市武清区杨村第五中学2011-2012年七年级英语上册 M11周周清 外研版一. 请根据句意及所给提示写出或补全所缺单词。1. We should have a good_ (习惯) of learning.2. Here are the _ (礼物) for you.3. Can you_(发送) emails?4. These_ (卡片) are mine.5. We can g_ meat and milk from a cow (奶牛). 二. 请根据句意从括号中选择适当的单词或短语填空。1. He is fat and unhealthy because he _ (sometimes, always, never) eats vegetables.2. Lets _ (go, goes, going) there on foot, OK?3. Do you like _ (listen to, listening to, to listen) music?Yes, I think so.4. Does Tom want to send a birthday card_ (on, to, for) Peter?5. My uncle often _ (have, having, has) lunch at home.三. 请从方框中选择适当的单词并用其适当形式填空, 使句子完整通顺。 different, game, drink, always, make1. His father _ goes to work by bus.2. Her brother _ machines (机器) in a factory.3. They arent classmates. They are in_ classes.4. He often_ _ tea or coffee after breakfast.5. Does she like playing _?四. 请根据题后括号内的要求改写下列句子。1. I often send him emails. (改为同义句)I often send _ _ _. 2. Her birthday present is a cinema ticket. (就划线部分提问) _ _ her birthday present? 3. What about a new football? (改为同义句) _ _ a new football?4. They always watch football matches on Sundays. (用he作主语改写句子) _ always _- football matches on Sundays.5. On my birthday, my parents give me a new bike. (改为同义句)On my birthday, my parents give _ _ _ _ me.四 请用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Lets_(make) a plane together. 2. John_(finish) his homework and goes to bed. 3. How do you_ (like) the new dictionary?4. Her grandmother usually _(wear) silk shirts. 5. Bill doesnt _ (speak) English to us. He speaks Chinese.6. His aunt always_(invite) her friends to her home.7. He _(ride) a bike to school every day.8. Kates mother never _ (remember) Kates birthday. 五. 下面各句均有一处错误,请指出并在后面的横线上加以改正。1. Tony usually plays piano on Saturday. A B C _2. Whose are this pair of jeans? A B C _3. Please send a birthday card for her. A B C _4. What about go shopping with me? A B C _5. There are a lots of interesting books in our library. A B C _六、单项选择( ) 1. She doesnt like apples _ oranges.A. butB. orC. and( ) 2. Would you like _ with us?A. to go swimmingB. to swimmingC. go to swimD. to go swim( ) 3. Lily often _ some presents on her birthday.A. getB. getsC. sendD. sends( ) 4. - Lets have an evening party. - _. A. Thats OKB. Youre welcomeC. Thats a great ideaD. Thank you( ) 5. Sorry, this skirt is too _ for me.A. emptyB. heavyC. bigD. light( ) 6. He often _ some novels on Sunday.A. seesB. readsC. watches D. looks( ) 7. My daughter has a dog. _ name is Nini.A. ItsB. It hasC. ItD. Its( ) 8. We watch the football matches _ TV.A. in B. onC. atD. over( ) 9. Lily with his mother _ go shopping at weekends.A. isntB. arentC. dontD. doesnt( ) 10. I _ see a film on Sunday, but not very often.A. usuallyB. sometimesC. neverD. always七、根据提示完成句子1. The girl often gets lots of p_ on her birthday.2. Our favourite clothes are j_ and T-shirts. 3. We like to go to _ home and enjoy the real English food. (they)4. His parent would give _ a computer as a birthday gift. (he)5. My mother _ gets up early in the morning. (总是,一直)6. - Do you like playing the computer games? - No, _. (从来不)7. He has got five _ _ trainers. (对,双)8. We often _ _ _ on Saturday or Sunday. (听音乐会)9. My friend Lily _ _ to me at Christmas every year. (送贺卡)10. Mrs Green is a beautiful lady and usually wears _ _. (丝绸衬衫)三、翻译句子1. 在美国,人们不会送水果和钱给过生日的人。In the USA, _ on the birthday.2. 她总是邀请我参加她的聚会。She _ her party.3. 大明在家不说英语。Daming _.4. 你父亲在家里做家务吗?_ at home?5. 杰克的妹妹常买她喜欢的歌星的光盘。Jacks sister often _. 4
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