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Unit 6 Lesson 36 Clean Cars一、介词填空。1. Is your son still _ school, or has he left?2. We learn _ animals in biology.3. I am thinking _ what to do next.4. It sounds _ a good plan.5. Cars are bad _ our environment.6. I rode _ the city yesterday.7. I pedalled _ more than an hour.二、根据汉语释义补全句子。1. 如果我们努力学习,我们的国家将会更加美丽。If we work hard, our country will be _ _ more beautiful. 2. 我们已经在地理上了解到有关中国的很多知识。We have _ _ China a lot at geography. 3. 你的儿子仍在上学还是已经毕业了? Is your son still _ _, or has he left? 4. 我在考虑下一步做什么。I am thinking about what to do next. 5. 我叫你帮他。I _ you _ give him some help. 1
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