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Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? 学习目标:1. There be 句型的运用和描述事物的所在位置;2. 学会用英语问路的表达方式; 第一:段:【短课导学】 模块一:自主学习 学习内容摘 记Step1 :Free talk & Leading 1)Where is our school? 2)Where is the Zhongshan park?.Step2:听读-感悟短文 Retell the conversation of P44 2d.Step3:品读 -读出理解(自主学习:独立安静完成)1、 请出下列词组. 在中心路 在图片里 在邮局和图书馆之间 向右转 in the neighborhood on ones left go straight take a walk a busy street across from the library 2、重点句型的梳理1)There is a bank around here. There is a book and two dictionaries on the desk. Is there a map on the wall? Are there any basketballs under the bed? How many students are there in the classroom?归纳there be 句型的用法.there be 句型表示“某地有某物”, 其中be动词的单复数形式依照距离there最近的名词的单复数形式而定。肯定句结构: + + 某物/ 人 + 某地否定句结构: + + + 某物/ 人 + 某地一般疑问句: + + 某物/ 人 + 某地?肯定回答为: Yes, + 否定回答: No, + 反馈-这附近有银行吗?_ -是的,有._2) there be 和have都可译为汉语里的“有”,但有区别:归纳含义不同。there be 结构表示的是“某地有某物/人”, 强调“存在关系”; have表示“某人/ 物所有”, 强调“所属关系”。反馈 椅子下面没有一只猫。_ 她没有两个弟弟。_3). Wheres the park ? Its on Center Street. Where are the books ? They are on the desk. Where do you live ? I live in Changsha.归纳where 引导的特殊疑问句,where是特殊疑问词, 含有“_”的意思。一般用来询问地点。where 引导疑问句时, 主谓要求_, 且助动词必须与后面的主语保持一致。第二段:【长课导学】 模块二:交流研讨研讨内容摘 记Step 1:Please check the answers in groups,then find the differences. 模块三:巩固内化学习任务摘 记Step 1:熟读P44-2d课文。Step 2:【中考对接】 1.一直往前走,直到第一个单行街。 until you get to the first street.2. 你居住的附近有超市吗?Is there a supermarket near ?3. 附近有学校吗?Is there a school ? 4. 在邮局的对面有一个超市吗? _ a supermarket _ the restaurant? 当堂训练 课题:Unit 8 Section A2 P45 第2课时 姓名 一、用所给词的反义词填空1. There is a _ school near here. (small)2. A: Is there a hotel near here?B: Yes, there is a _ hotel next to the school. (old)3. A: Where is the _ hotel? (dirty)B: Its across from an _ post office. (new)4. A: Is that a _ park? (quiet)B: No, its very quiet.5. A: Is there a bank in the neighborhood?B: Yes, its between a _ library (noisy) and a _ supermarket. (free) 二完成对话A: Excuse me, 1 is the way to the Childrens Palace?B: 2 , I dont know. Youd 3 ask that policeman.A: Excuse me, 4 can I get to the Childrens Palace?C: Oh, go along Huang he Street, and 5 the second turning on your left. Then 6 No. 3 bus and 7 8 at the third stop. Youll see a white building 9 the post office and the police station. You cant 10 it.A: Thank you very much.C: You are welcome.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 3 句型转换1. May I help you?(改为同义句) ?2. The bank is across from the hospital.(就画线部分提问) the bank?3. Is there a pay phone behind the bank?(作否定回答) No, 4.The police station is not far from here.(改为同义句) The police station here. which问路的句型有Which is the way to?How can I get to?等。 2. Sorry别人问路时,不知道要说“对不起”。3. better had better do sth.“最好做某事” 4. how How can I get to?是一问路句型。 5. take take the second turning on your left即 turn left at the second crossing“在第二个路口向左拐” 6. take take a bus“坐公共汽车” 7-8 get off“下车” 9. between betweenand“在和中间” 10. miss “错过4
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