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Unit 6 Sunshine for all Reading 1【课前导学】根据句意及首字母或中文提示填空。1. Many students dont know how to _ (实现,达到) a balance (平衡) between study and hobbies.2. As an a_, you shouldnt act like a child.3. Many a_ took part in the Olympic Games in 2012.4. Those guests he has invited come from different _ (背景).5. He has tried three times, but we still decide to give him a fourth c_.6. Liu xiangs _ (教练) is very strict (严格的) with him.7. Im _ (自信的) that I can work out the hard maths problem.8. Who do you _ (期待,盼望) to help you?9. I think its _ (必要的) to do morning and eye exercises every day.10. Have you decided to take the _ (任务)?【课堂学习】Step 1 Revision翻译下列句子。(1) 我认为你的父母不会支持你。(2) 如果人人都为残疾人提供帮助,这个世界将会变得更美好。(3) 为什么不给当地政府写信求助呢?(4) 当一名志愿者是很有意义的,对吗?Step 2 PresentationGet the students to read the new words follow the teacher or the tape recording.training n. 培训;训练silver n. 银,银牌coach n. 教练gold n. 黄金,金牌Step 3 Free talk Get the students to talk about the following topics and present the topic of this lesson.How can we help people with intellectual disabilities?We can volunteer for the Special Olympics World Games.Have you heard this event?Can you tell me something about it? Step 4 SkimmingSkim the article and answer the following questions:1. What is the name of the volunteer?2. What do volunteers need to do for the Special Olympics World Games?Read the article; write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.1. Liu Ming was a volunteer in the 2007 Special Olympics World Games. _2. Liu Ming knew what to expect before he became a volunteer. _3. There were only a few events in the 2007 Special Olympics World Games. _4. There were over 40,000 volunteers for the 2007 Special Olympics World Games. _5. Li Hai was born with intellectual disabilities. _6. Li Hai was sure to win the swimming competition. _Step 5 Intensive readingGet the students to read the article again and more carefully then divide the article into four parts.Read the article carefully. Fill in the blanks with the correct numbers of the paragraphs.Mainpoints Paragraphs1. An introduction to the Special Olympics World Games 2. Liu Mings experience 3. Liu Mings feelings about the event 4. What volunteers do for the event 【课后拓展】Retell the article.Liu Ming _ for the Special Olympics World Games in Shanghai, back in October 2007. He thinks it was the most amazing _ of his life. The Special Olympics World Games give _ and _ with _ disabilities a chance to show their skills to the world. They include many events _ to those in the _, such as basketball, football and _. _ 40,000 people _ up their spare time for the event. Its _ for volunteers to receive _ before doing the tasks.Liu Ming was the swimming _ for a young boy called Li Hai. To him, the most important thing is not to win a _ or a silver, but to take part.He feels more _ because of the Special Olympics World Games.The Special Olympics World Games also make _ and volunteers from different _ feel like part of one big family.用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I didnt expect him _ (come).2. You have only one chance left _ (try).3. He feels _ (confident) than before.4. This is _ (exciting) experience in his life.5. You should give up _ (smoke). Its bad for your health.6. They will receive special _ (train) before leaving school.7. Do you know the famous film star _ (call) Jackie Chan?8. Its very meaningful to work _ (close) with the workers.9. Many _ (volunteer) _ (volunteer) to help those people in Yaan Earthquake.10. She is sure _ (win) the swimming competition. 翻译下列句子。1. 当一名志愿者是很有意义的。2. 他们为运动员们提供帮助和支持。3. 因为参加了这次比赛,他比以前感到更加自信了。4. 我们应该给残疾人机会来向世界展现他们的能力。5. 特奥会包括很多与奥运会相似的比赛项目,如足球和游泳。 3
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