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数词学习目标与要求:1、掌握数词的基本用法第一段:短课导学 模块一:自主学习学习内容摘 记Step1: 导入1、观看微视频(数词)/ PPT 2、听 暴风听力P2 听填信息13、朗读背诵 中考必备词汇、短语P34A开头的短语Step2: 自主学习-独自完成 领航粤考P27-30的考点一考点三 的内容,并把重点划出来。第二段:长课导学 模块二:交流研讨研讨内容摘 记Step 1:Please check the answers in groups,then find the differences.Step 2:按照组长的分工,每位同学选择一个内容向全组同学进行交流。如有不同意见,请直接提出或质疑。Step 3:教师精讲数词的用法。模块三:巩固内化学习任务Step1 整理数词的三个个考点Step2 【中考真题再现】( )1. There are _ days in a week. (海淀区)A. the seven B. seventh C. the seventh D. seven( )2. December is the _ month in a year. (吉林)A. twenty B. twelve C. twelfth D. twentieth ( )3.-Can you write the number eighty-five thousand, six hundred and twenty-six? - Yes, it is. _.(江西)A. 85662 B. 85626 C. 58662 D. 58626( )4. It is reported that _ people in the world are suffering from the H1N1flu.(泰安市) A. ten thousands B. thousands C. thousands of ( )5. There is a wrong word in Line _. Where? In the _ line. (孝感市) A. Two; two B. Second; two C. Two; second D. Second; second( )6. Today we are going to learn _. Thats nice, Mr. Wang. A. Lesson Second B. the Lesson Two C. Lesson Two D. second lesson ( ) 7Its 11:45. Yes, its _. (漳州市) A. fifteen past twelve B. fifteen from twelve C. a quarter past twelve D. a quarter to twelve( ) 8_ of the land in that district _ covered with trees and grass. (常州) A. Two fifths; is B. Two fifth; are C. Two fifth; is D. Two fifths; are( )9. The year “1999” should be read “ The year _”. A. nineteen and ninety-nine B. nineteen hundred and ninety-nine C. one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine D. nineteen ninety-nine( ) 10. They moved to Beijing _. A. in 1980s B. in the 1980 C. in the 1980s D. on the 1980s( )11. I dont believe that this _ boy can paint such a nice picture. (德阳)A. five years old B. five-years-old C. five-year-old( ) 12. _ twenty minutes enough for you to finish the work? (巴中) A. Are B. Is C. Have D. Has模块四:当堂训练 完成 领航粤考P30-真题集训 2
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