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Unit 3 Is this your pencil?3aSelf Check练习.根据首字母提示或汉语提示完成单词1Please dont play c_ games.2A w_ can tell us time(时间)3Its an EnglishChinese d_.Its not a book.4Write it down on your _(笔记本)5He is a b_(棒球) player.6Please c_ Alan at 8909372.阅读对话, 帮他们找到自己的物品,用线连起来A:Look, whats that?B:Its a pencil box.Is it yours, Jane?A:No, it isnt.Its Sues.That pen is Sues, too.B:Is this her book?A:No, its my book.My name“Jane” is on it.B:And is this your eraser?A:No, this is Jims eraser.And whats this, Sam?B:Its a ruler.Its my ruler.What about this pencil?A:Thats my pencil.B:Here you are.A:Thanks.阅读下面的寻物启事和失物招领, 回答有关问题LostMy school ID card.The card number is 667.My name is Mary.Please call 6798043.FoundRed watch.Is this your watch?Please call Jim Green at 5627018.1Is this Marys school ID card?_2Is that Jims watch?_3Whats the card number?_4What color is the watch?_5Whats Jims last name?_参考答案. 1. computer2. watch3. dictionary4. notebook 5. baseball 6. call. Jane:book, pencilSam:rulerSue:pencil box, penJim:eraser . 1. Yes, it is.2. No, it isnt.3. Its 667.4. Its red. 5. Jims last name is Green. 3
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