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江苏省姜堰市溱潼二中2014届九年级下学期开学考试英语试题 A. No one B. Nothing C. None D. Either( ) 6. Be quick, _well be late for the meeting. A. and B. but C. so D. or( ) 7.I prefer buring her some presents _ her some money. A. give B. to give C. to giving D. than give( ) 8. _ his parents _him? A. Do ; strict in B. Is ; strict with C. Are ; strict with D. Are ; strict in( ) 9. Jack Brown was charged with _the bank of money. A. robbing B. robbed C. stealing D. stole( )10. I dont know _ we will go on a trip or not tomorrow. A. if B. what C. how D. whether( )11. I borrowed a lot of books from the library, but I read only _ of them because I had _time. A. a few, a few B. few; little C. little; little D. a few; little ( )12. This Sunday is an important day for my parents. Well celebrate it because they _ for twenty years. A. have married B. got married C. are married D. have been married( ) 13. The old scientist devoted all her time she had _ the western parts of China. A. to develop B. developing C. to developing D. developed( ) 14. Could you tell me _? A. whats his nameB. when did he study C. how I can get to the bus station D. if I have been to the Great Wall( ) 15. -Didnt you enjoy yourself at the party? -_, there was _ at the party. A. Yes, interesting nothing B. Yes, nothing interesting C. No, interesting nothing D. No, nothing interesting二、完形填空There are a lot of good teachers in China. He Meiji is one of them. He lives in a village 16 Kuzhu Mountain in Hunan Province. In 1978, He Meiji became the only person in his 17 graduated from high school. He didnt want to stay in the poor village all his life and hoped to find a 18 in town. His dream came true soon.However, 19 the day when he was leaving the village, the villagers came to his home and 20 him to stay and work as the only teacher in the local primary school. It was 21 for him to make a choice. He thought and thought, and 22 decided to teach at the school with only a classroom. At first, there was almost 23 in the school. Desks, chairs, even chalk, 24 by himself. In the classroom without 25 , it was very dark and he had to burn wood. In order to 26 a better study environment for students, he went to the local education department many times for 27 . He got 200 Yuan in 1983. The money 28 at all enough to build a new school, but he and some villagers started to make things to build a school 29 . On August 16 that years, He Meiji hurt his right arm. To save his life, doctors had to cut the arm. But it didnt stop him from being a good 30. He praticed writing with his left hand and soon he could write well. Now he is over 50 years old but he is still working hard.( )16.A.worked B.stayed C. parked D.called ( )17.A.village B.town C.city D.country( )18.A.house B.store C.job D.school( )19.A.at B.during C.on D.in( )20.A.let B.asked C.hoped D.helped( )21.A.interesting B.easy C.difficult D.common( )22.A.finally B.hardly C.even D.once( )23.A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing ( )24.A.make B.are made C.made D.were made ( )25.A.door B.students C.windows D.walls ( )26.A.add B.provide C.serve D.produce ( )27.A.fun B.help C.hope D.food ( )28.A.were B.werent C.wasnt D.was ( )29.A.them B.themselves C.him D.himself ( )30.A.doctor B.teacher C.nurse D.student三、阅读理解People with Type A: They look peaceful from the outside. But they ask too much of themselves that they may be very nervous inside. They get happy or sad easily. Sometimes they are shy but always very careful. They can easily win peoples trust. People with Type B: They have strong minds. Once they start a task, they dont give up easily. Theyll try their best to finish it and do it well. Type B people always try to make themselves different from others. They want to do things in their own way.People with Type AB: They are maybe the strangest among all blood types. They can be both open and shy, noisy and quiet at the same time! They are respo
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