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张家港市第一中学2015-2016学年第一学期期中试卷七年级英语第一卷:请在完成1-60小题后,把答案填涂到答题卡上。(满分75分)一、 听力部分。(20分)A) 每小题你将听到一个对话,从A、B、C三个选项中找出与你所听内容相符的选项。每段对话读两遍。()1. Whats Toms favourite fruit? A. B. C.()2. How does Lucys brother go to school?A. B. C.()3. What time does Jim usually have breakfast? A. B. C.()4. Whats the weather like today?A. B. C.()5. Whats in the picture? A. B. C. ()6. Is Kate swimming?A. No, she isnt. B. Yes, she is. C. Sorry, I dont know.()7. Whats her telephone number?A . 84351978 B. 84561968 C. 83561958()8. What colour is Lilys coat? A. Black. B. Red. C. White.()9. How many boys are there in Class One?A. 24. B. 19. C. 20.()10.Who has an E-dog? A. Tom. B. Mike. C. David. B) 听下面的对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,请根据你所听到的内容,从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出适当的答语。听每段对话或独白前,你都有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的答题时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第一段材料,回答第1112小题。()11. Where does Lucy live now? A. In Beijing. B. In Shanghai. C. In Xuzhou.()12. What does Lucy like doing after school?A. Reading. B. SwimmingC. Singing.听第一篇短文,从13-15小题中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。Miss WuJob(工作) 13 How to go homeShe goes home 14 on Saturday.Hobby She likes 15 and swimming.()13. A. A doctor B. A policeman C. A teacher()14. A. in her car B. by bus C. on foot()15. A. dancing B. cookingwww.szzx100.com C. singing 听第二篇短文,回答第1620小题。()16. What are they good at? A. English. B. Math. C. Chinese. ()17. What do they like to do in their holidays? A. Play ping-pong and run. B. Swim and ride bikes. C. Swim and play basketball.()18. Where do they fly kites? A. Near the lake. B. In the park. C. At school. ()19.Who likes playing football? A. John. B. Jack. C. Jack and John.()20. Do they often help each other? A. Yes, they do. B. No, they dont. C. I dont know.二、单选(15)()21. There is _ “f” and _”u” in the word “fun”.A. a, a B. a, an C. an , an D. an , a ()22. Tom spends_ time on computer games. A. too many B. many too C. too much D. much too( )23. The supermarket_ at this time of day and you can buy many things there. A. is open B. is opened C. open D. opens()24Im going on a picnic?-_ ! AThank you BHave a nice day CSorry DHere you are()25. Simon is a_ basketball player. He plays basketball_. A. good; good B. good; well C. well; well D. well; good()26. Dont you let _ help you?A. my friend and I B. my friend and me C. I and my friend D. my friend and I to( )27. Your classmates will visit the museum this afternoon. Will you go with _ ? A. us B. him C. her D. them()28. _does he swim every week? _ 3 hours.A. How soon , In B. How often, Every C. How long, For D. How often, In()29. Running is good_ us and many students are good_ it. A. at: for B. at; at C. for; for D. for; at()30. Can I have_ juice, please? -Sorry, I dont have_ juice. A. some, any B. any, any C. any, some D. some, some()31.-Dont stand_ me. I cant see the blackboard. -Im sorry. A. next B. behind C. in the front of D. in front of()32. My mother_ at weekends. A. enjoys go shopping B. enjoy going shopping C. enjoys to go shopping D. enjoys going shopping()33. Everyone in my family the Voice of China on TV. A. like watching B. likes watching C. likes watches D. like to watch ()34. - _ you free this Sunday? -Sorry, I_ busy this weekend. A. Are; am not B. Are; am C. Do; am not D. Do; dont.()35. Its going to rain. Wed better go to school_.A. by a bus B. by Anns car C. in Anns car D. take a bus三、完形填空10Wang Bin is a 12-year-old boy. He likes sports very much and 36 well in sports. One afternoon, he comes 37 the classroom and 38 his father waiting for him at the school gate. He is very 39 and runs to his father. Dad, please dont wait for me after school next time. I can go home by myself On their way 40 ,Wang Bin sees some boys skating in a park. Can I go and learn skating, Dad? asks Wang Bin. Im 41 , my boy. You must go home and do your homework, answers his father, but I can buy you an ice cream. Then his father buys an ice cream 42 him. When Wang Bin
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