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Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?根据所给动词的正确形式填空(5分)1. Our class is (organize) a talent show to raise money for education.2. I need extra English lessons. Do you know a (better) English teacher ?3. My (hobby) are collecting old coins and flying the kites.4. I didnt finish writing my test because I (run) out of time.5. I am (interest) in the writer job. 6. When did you get your first pair of (skate)?7. I collect shells because they are (beauty )8. Thanks for (invite ) me to your house .9. Would you like to visit the Summer Palace if the rain (stop) tomorrow ?10. How long has your mother (teach) math at this school ? 单项选择(15分)1. He has been watching English movies about two months.A. since B. for C. in D. during 2. Id like envelopes because they are interesting.A. to store B. storing C. store D. stored3. How long yesterday?A. have you sleeping B. do you sleep C. did you sleep D. did you asleep4. Ive been skating nine oclock.A. for B. over C. since D. at 5. do you take a shower ?- Once a week.A. How long B. How much C. How often D. What time 6. The baby mice were frightened they couldnt move .A. so .that B. such .that C. so.many D. such .much 7.I to Hong Kong twice since I came to China 3 years ago .A. went B. go C. have gone D. have been 8. When did you get your first pair of skates? _. A. For 6 years B. Since I was 7 years old. C. When I was 7 years old. D. Since 6 years ago. 9. He raised _ for the charity to help the poor children. A. thousand of dollars B. thousand of dollarC. thousands of dollars D. thousands of dollar10. _ does the first class begin? At 7:40. A. How long B. Where C. When D. How11. Mr. Smith _ here for about two hours. A. has left B. left from C. went away from D. has been away from12. _ of them has an English dictionary. A. Every B. All C. Both D. Each13. There are many trees on _ sides of the road. A. each B. every C. both D. all14. We _ 1000 English words since we _ to this school. A. learn, come B. have learning, came C. have been learning, came D. have learned, come15. We have run _ rice, we will have to buy some this afternoon. A. out B. of C. out of D. out to 情景对话1.补全对话(5分)A. Ive been skating for five hours .B. How long did you skate ,C. I skated for four hours . D. When did you start skating , E. Im very tired Woman: Alison, how long have you been skating ?Alison: (1) Woman: Wow ! Sam , how long did you skate ?Sam: (2) I started at nine oclock in the morning and stopped at one oclock in the afternoon. (3) Woman: (4) , Victor?Victor: At nine oclock . Woman: So you ve been skating for .Victor: Ive been skating for five hours. Woman: (5) , Celia.Celia: Umm, lets see . I skated for two hours. 2.根据上下文,补全对话(5分)A: Victor,(1)_?B: Coffer? Oh, no. Id like tea with nothing in it.A: OK. Here you are.B: Thank you, Sam. (2)_?A: I have been collecting stamps and match boxes.B: (3)_?A: Six years ago.B: Wow! You are an old collector, I think. (4)_? Id like to see them very much.A: Wait a minute. (5)_.B: Wow! Your stamps are very beautiful.完型填空(10分)Im a student. I go to school on weekdays. I dont have _1_ free time. I usually _2_ six or seven hours at school. After that I either go shopping _3_ go home and study. If I have some _4_ time during weekdays, I _5_ read a storybook or watch TV. But now it takes all my evenings to study _6_ the final exam.Though I have a lot to do, I still have some free time activities. On weekends I like to go out with my family. I also like to walk around the countryside and _7_ the seasons change during spring and autumn. I am also a _8_. I am interested in stone collecting. I like to _9_ all kinds of interesting sto
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