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江苏省泰兴市西城中学八年级英语 练习73(无答案) 人教新目标版班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 成绩_ 家长签字_一 选择题 ( )1.Yesterday we visited Tiananmen men Square Everyone _very excited. A feels B fell C felt D fall ( )2.Which of the following is one of the greatest wonders in the world? A The Palace Museum B The Great WallC Laoshe Tea House D The Summer Palace ( )3.He had to stay at home, _? A had he B hadnt he C did he D didnt he ( )4._ is it from Earth to the sun? About three months by spacecraft(航天飞机) A How long B How far away C How soon D How much ( )5.Its exciting _ expensive to visit some places of interest in Beijing . Do you think _? A and, it B but, so C or, too D but, that二用所给词的适当形式填空 1.He felt sick on the coach and the food _(come) up from his stomach. 2.Ill bring some CDS about the Monument to the Peoples _(hero) to you _(enjoy). 3.Most of the elderly dont like the _(travel) from one place to another. 4.The local government decided _(build) a footbridge around the centre of the city because of too much _(move) of cars here. 5._the pyramids of Egypt _(make) up of metal or stones? 6.If you _(be) free this weekend, what about _(take) a boat trip on Xuanwu Lake? 7._ _(ride) by cycle from and to work is becoming more and more fashionable. 8.Natural(自然的)_is really _. We should act(行动)_(beautiful)三完成句子 1来自大城市的一些人喜欢收藏人们过去使用过的东西。 Some people from big cities enjoy collecting things _ _ _ _ _. 2看一看这两幅古画并说出他们之间的不同之处。 _ _ _ _the two _ pictures and _ the _ _them. 3登上艾菲尔铁塔,游客们能欣赏到巴黎惊奇的景色。 If _ _ _ the Eiffel Tower, they can enjoy the _ _ Paris.4我在这次晚会开始的时候拍了些照片并放到了我的主页上给我的家人看。I _ _ at the start of this party and _ them _ my home page _ my family _ _ _.四缺词填空Three-day tripNanjing is the c 1 of Jiangsu Province(江苏省). It is on the southern bank of the Yangtze River . There are many hills and small rivers there. Nanjing is one of the most beautiful and interesting cities in China.Day 1Our hotels is n_2_ the Confucius Temple(夫子庙). In the morning ,we will look around this beautiful temple. Then , we will walk a 3 the Qinhuai River and see how quickly Nanjing is c 4 many wide roads and new, tall buildings . In the evening we will eat delicious food at a l 5 restaurant.Day 2 On the s 6 day of our trip , we will visit the Zhongshan Mountain National Park in the e 7 of the city. Here , the water is clean and the hills are g 8 . The beautiful sances(风景) around Dr Sun Yat-sens Mausoleum(中山陵) and the Ming Tomb(明孝陵) known all over the world.Day 3 On the f 9 day of the trip ,we can visit the Nanjing Museum . Then we can cycle along the top of the Ming City Wallthe l 10 ever built.Visit Nanjing today! 1. c_ 2.n_ 3.a_ 4.c_ 5.l_ 6.s_ 7.e_ 8.g_ 9.f_ 10.l_ 2
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