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Lesson 23 The Corner Store学习目标 知识目标: 1 掌握单词:corner , money , clerk , fridge , twenty , pass 2 掌握短语:corner store , take down , pass around , over there 3 掌握句型: Can I help you? He didnt ask, “What would your mum like?” Take one down. Pass it around. 能力目标:学会用英语替别人买东西。情感目标:体验在实际环境中应用英语的乐趣。【学习重点】掌握有关买东西的词汇、短语和句型。【学习难点】掌握有关买东西的词汇、短语和句型。灵活运用购物及就餐等日常交际用语。【学法指导】 1. 自主学习,并通过熟读课文独立完成相应练习。2. 课堂探究,针对自主学习过程中的疑难点大胆质疑,教师点拨,学生独立完成导学案。 3. 自主归纳知识点,作好学情反馈。【预习导学】汉译英 1. 便利店 2. 让我想想 3. 在冰箱里 4. 在那边 5. 给你 6. 很多瓶可乐 7. 拿下,取下 8. 传送,分发【课堂导学 合作探究】1. corner 角;角落 (1)in the corner “在拐角处”,强调在内部的拐角。如:Sit in the corner of a room.坐在屋角里。(2)at / on the corner在(外)拐角处。如:Meet me at the corner of the street. 在街道的拐角处和我见面。2. pass v. 通过;传递(用具等);经过 (1)pass是及物动词,意为“走过;经过”。如:pass the shop走过商店(2)pass意为“把传给”,后往往加双宾语,即pass sb.sth.或pass sth. to sb.,意为“把某物递/传给某人”。如:Pass me the salt, please. 请把盐递给我。类似的加双宾语的词还有:bring sb.sth. bring sth. to sb., give sb.sth. give sth. to sb.。 活学活用: (1) Can you pass the book to me? (同义句转换) Can you pass ? (2)Its difficult to pass you the book. (同义句转换) Its difficult to pass .3. Can I help you? 我可以帮你吗? Can I help you?类似的说法还有May I help you?或What can I do for you?这几句都是主动向别人提供帮助的常用语。 它们的使用范围很广泛,随着场合的不同含义也不同。例如:在商店,售货员的意思是“你想买些什么东西?”;在饭店,服务员的意思是“你要吃点什么?”;在车站、飞机场等,售票员的意思是“你要乘坐哪趟车/飞机?”;在图书 馆,管理员的意思是“你想借些什么书?”等等。此句的答语也会随着说话的场合的不同而不同。在商店购物时,我们常用以下几种答语:I want to buy我想要买; Id like我想要; Id like for sb. 我想要为某人买; Id like to look at我想要看一看;Im looking for我正在找; Id like to look for我想要找; Yes,please. 或 No, thanks. 活学活用: 我可以帮你吗? 是的,我想买哈利波特这本书。Yes, I want to buy the book named Harry Potter.【当堂检测】连词成句 1. would, what, like, you (?) 2. a bottle of , much, water, how, for (?) 3. order ,you, to, are, ready (?) 4. there ,tea, the, is over (.) 5.store, me, for, go , please, to , corner, the (.) . 句型转换1. Rice with beef is twelve yuan. (对划线部分提问) rice with beef?2. Helen would like something to drink.(改为一般疑问句) Helen to drink?3. Id like some pear juice. (对划线部分提问) you ?4. They have noodles. (改为否定句) They noodles.5. Would you like something to drink? (作肯定回答) , . Id like some juice.完形填空 Its 12:00 now. Its time 1 lunch. My friend Pat and I are 2 We go to a 3 . There are many people in it. A waiter comes up when we sit 4 . “Can I help you ?” “Yes, please.Id like some spring rolls(春卷) and some 5 . What ab out you, Pat?” “Id like some dumplings. And I want to have a bowl of soup.” The waiter serves (端上) the food. They are delicious. 6 the soup has a strange taste(奇怪的味道). The waiter says there are some herbs (中药) in it. Its a special (特别的)Chinese soup. Its good for us. We like the Chinese food and the special soup.( )1. A. to B. on C. for ( )2. A. sad B. hungry C. thirsty ( )3. A. restaurant B. store C. library( )4. A. up B. in C. down ( )5. A.egg B. fish C. cookie ( )6.A. But B. And C. Or1
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