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Unit 4 Topic 1 Spaceships are mainly controlled by computers 【学习目标】1.了解“神舟”五号的相关知识;2.培养学生对航天知识的兴趣和爱国主义情操。【预习案】一、读1a,回答1b的问题二、在文中找到并划出下面的短语41.在科学博物馆里_ _ 2.中国太空旅行的第一人_ 3.我们的民族英雄_ 4.把人送进太空_5.又发射两艘太空飞船_ 6.在过去几年中_ _ 7.听起来不错(真好)_ 8.取得很大进步_9.在航天工业方面_10.中国第一个月球探测器_ 11.What a large crowd!_ 12.实现某人的梦想_ 13.dream about space travel_ _ 14.围绕地球旅行_ 15.载人的宇宙飞船 _ 16.发射进太空_ _ 17.嫦娥的传说_ _ _ 18.填空_ 19.show great interest in_ 20.一所航空培训学校_ _ 21.在4月12日早上_22.安全地着陆地球_ 23.last 108 minutes_24.make the first successful manned flight into space_ 25.对感兴趣_ 26.the meaning of Gagarins space exploration _27.set foot on the moon_ 28.在他的一生中_ 29.his last space flight_30.和他的伙伴一起_ 31.land on the lunar surface_32.迈出了人类进入太空的第一步 _ 33.安全返回地球 _ 【探究案】在文中划出下面的句子并分析1.He is our national hero. 译:_ 点拨:hero(复数)- heroes拓展:Negro(黑人) - Negroes / potato(土豆)- potatoes / tomato(西红柿)- tomatoes记忆秘笈:(黑人英雄喜欢土豆和西红柿)复数加-es, 其余以o结尾的名词加s构成复数 练习:radio- zoo- piano- photo- bamboo-_2.Who is the first Chinese to travel into space? 译:_China is the third nation to send a person into space. 译:_Yuri Gagarin from the Soviet Union was the first man in the world to travel into space.译:_点拨:the + 序数词 + (名词)+to do sth. - 第个做某事的练习:a.今天早上我是第一个来到学校的学生。I was _ _ _ to this morning.b.晚会上他们是最后到达的人。They were _ _ _ at the party. c.你是第二个问我那个问题的人。You are _ _ _ ask me that question.点拨:sendinto- 把送入里 拓展:send up - 发射 send for sb. - 派人去请某人 练习:a.中国将会把更多的卫星送入太空。China more satellites .b.他病了,他的妻子及时派人请来了医生。He was _, and his wife in time.c.到目前,许多国家已经发射了人造卫星。Man-made satellites _ by many countries so far.3.That proves that China has made great progress in its space industry. 译:_点拨:prove - 证明,证实(动词)用法: prove + that 从句 - 证明 prove to be + 形容词 - 后来被发现是prove +sb./sth.+ (to be ) + 形容词 - 证明某人/某物 prove sth. to sb.-向某人证明某事练习:a.This proves that I was right. 译: _ . b.His words proved to be right at last. 译:_ . c.She has proved everyone wrong. 译:_.d.只要给我一次机会,我就会证明给你看。Just _ _ _ _ and Ill _ it _ _.点拨:make some /great / rapid progress in (doing ) sth. - 在(做)某事方面取得一些/很大/快的进步链接:make ones bed make mistakes make sure make friends_make money _make a decision make tea _ make faces _ 练习:1.)Mike 的汉语进步很快。Mike is _ _ _ Chinese. 2.)中国在控制污染方面已经取得了一些进步。China _ _ _ _ controlling pollution.4.Whats more, we have launched another two spaceships in the past few years. 译:_点拨:whats more - 而且,还有(插入语) 类似的结构还有: whats worse - 练习:1.他喜欢那顿饭,而且把它吃光了。He enjoyed the meal. _ , he _ it . 2.更糟糕的是,我们的用水供给是非常有限的。_ _, our water supplies were very low.点拨:another two spaceships - 又有两艘宇宙飞船 = two more spaceships练习:a.还有20棵树需要栽。_ _ _ need planting. = _ _ _ need planting. b.我还想再吃个苹果。I would like _ _ _ _ apple.5.I think you can achieve your dream in the future. 译:_点拨:achieve - 达到,实现(动词) achieve ones dream - 实现某人的梦想
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