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初三英语口语测试成绩表 (六)姓名性别班级成绩一Read the passage(1分)001-06-10-001得分备 注I had a very unusual experience on Sunday. At around ten oclock in the morning, I was walking down the street when a UFO landed right in front of me. You can imagine how strange it was! An alien got out and walked down Center Street. I followed it to see where it was going, and was very surprised when it went into a souvenir shop.二Interview questions(2分)1Did you use to eat gum all the time?002-06-11-0012What rules do you have at home?002-06-11-002得分三Topic compositions.(2分)003-06-10-001得分任选下面两题中的一题,作口头作文。 1. 请根据表格简单介绍下列物品发明的时间、国家和用途。 1880sEnglandTravelingumbrella4,000 years agoChinaKeeping away from raining 2对以下旅游任选两个进行评论,并说出你决定去哪里及给出理由。 1) Hong Kong / very crowed / great entertainment 2) New York / wonderful galleries 3) Singapore / beautiful views / lots of museums / good place for shopping备注1用心 爱心 专心
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