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口语测试成绩表 (十八)姓名性别班级成绩一Read the passage(1分)001-18-10-001得分备 注Michael is a student. He likes a jacket, a book and a movie poster. He says he likes clothes that are unusual. He has a book that tells about how to become a good volleyball player. He says he likes writers who explain things well. His brother works at a movie theater. He loves movies that are about monsters.二Interview questions(2分)1 What animal do you like best?002-18-11-001 2. How can you take care of a pet? 002-18-11-002得分三Topic compositions.(2分)003-18-10-001得分任选下面两题中的一题,作口头作文。1. What were you doing at this time yesterday? The timetable of Jim (April 3rd)7:00-7:30morning exercises9:00-11:00English class12:00-1:00in McDonald2:30-3:30football 2. 请描述某一天早晨,你去上学,由于起床晚了,没有时间吃早饭、没赶上公共汽车、忘记带作业等一系列非常狼狈的场面。备注1用心 爱心 专心
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