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Unit 1 Grammar Focus Class TypeGrammar Objectives1. To learn the structure “verb + by with gerund”.2. To better understand and express the structure well in practice.Key structure1. How do you learn English?I learn English by studying with a group.2. Do you learn English by reading aloud? Yes, I do. 3. How can I read faster? You can read faster by reading word groups. 4. How can I improve my pronunciation? One way is by listening to the tapes.DifficultiesHow to well describe the sentence structures “verb + by with gerund” in practice.Vocabularyrepeat, note, physical, chemistry, memorizetake notes, pen palPeriod1ProcedureLead-inRead some sentences with “by ” underlined.Step 1Explain “ by + 动名词”, and give some examples.Step 2Answer some questions using the form “by ”.Step 3Exercises.Translate sentences into English.Step 4Explain the uses of “by”, and give some examples accordingly.Step 5Give comparisons about “by, in, with”.Step 6More exercises.1. English and Chinese translations.2. Complete sentences with phrases of “by”.1
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