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牛津初中英语(7A)Unit 2 My Day第六课时Integrated skills学案设计学习目标:1、技能目标:通过本课学习,提高学生的综合应用能力。2、知识目标:词汇:a. 能听、说、读、写。information, space, museum, trip, closed, cannot, out, forget, bring, tomorrow, hot.b. 能听懂,会读下列单词。science, technology, location, district, price, adult, place, except, organize, look forward to3、策略目标:通过听、说、读、写的训练,提高综合技能能力。4、价值和文化意识目标:提高社会认知能力。学习过程:Step1: 课前预习检查。A、读一读,写一写。Please get some (信息)about our hometown.Lets go to visit (博物院)。Well have our (旅程)next Moday.We would like to go Beijing zoon in xicheng (社区)。The (价格)for each student is ¥5。The China Science Museum is (关闭)on Mondays。Dont (忘记)to come to my party。Tomorrow (带来)your dog here, OK?The weather is (热)。You should take off your coat。Were all here (除了)Jim。B、预习提示。1)了解文章大意。回答下列T / F questions.Will the class I Grade 7 students go on a school trip?Will they have their trip every day?Will the trip cost each student ¥10?In China Space Museum it the price of adults ¥30?Is Beijing Zoo in 137 xizhimenwai Dajie xicheng district?Step2: TestA、 根据课文内容、首字母填空。B、 Millie:Please get some I about the china s M ,the china spience and T .Museum and Beijing Zoo. Well have our t next Monday form 1 p.m to 5 p.m. Each student spend ¥10.B、选词填空。(can, may)1) I bring it tomorrow? No, you may not.2) I use yours? Yes, you can.3) I open the door? Yes, you may.4) I turn on the lights? Yes, you may.5) I use your pen? No, you cant.2
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