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Unit 6 Food and lifestyle 一、【学习目标】能通过阅读和听录音获取有关信息。了解关于某人的生活方式的具体信息。掌握餐厅点餐用语。二、【学习重难点】掌握餐厅点餐用语。三、【自主学习】1较少 _ 2比_ 3总的_ 4数量_ 5得分_分数_ 更多_ 点(菜)_ 菜单_ 豆_四、【合作 探究】1听录音完成书上习题2掌握重点句型1.How long do you sleep every night2.You need to exercise more and eat more healthy food.3.What would you like to order?4.Would you like some vegetables?3分角色朗读partB五、【达标巩固】一汉译英1少于_ 2多于 _ 3散步_4 行了_5让我看一看_二选择题1 Dont worry! _ one person are going to see your son.A Less than B More than C Many less D Much more 2 David usually takes _ walk for an hour after dinner.A a B an C the D/3-Shall we go out for a walk?-_.Lets goA Yes,we can B All right C Sorry,we cantD Of course not4 The food here smells good, but what does it _ like?A taste B touch C seem D feel1
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