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新目标七年级英语上册Unit5 期末复习训练题选择可以替代划线部分的选项( )1His family name is White. Alast name Bmiddle name Cfirst name Dgiven name( )2I think the math class is boring, so I dont like it. Ainteresting Bdifficult Cnot interesting Dnot difficult( )3Thanks a lot. Amany Bvery much Cvery Dmuch( )4Ed likes sports. Ahas Bhave Cdoes Dloves( )5Lets have a look at the collections. Ahave a watch Bsee Clook at Dlook用所给词的正确形式填空6That _(sound) interesting. 7_ you _(have) a tennis racket? 8My brother _(have) a baseball bat. 9We have many _(club) in our school. 10Let watch _(they) on TV11She _(play) sports every day. 12Can you _(bring) your new picture books here? 13_ your friend _(like) sports? 14Let _(we) play tennis. 15Thats an _(interest) computer game. 单项选择( )16I _ TV at night(在晚上)Alook at Bsee Cwatch Dlook( )17Lets _ the map on the wall. Alook at Bsee Cwatch Dlook( )18I can _ many things on the table. Alook at Bsee Cwatch Dlook( )19The question is not easy. Its very _. Adifficult Bdifficulty Crelating Dnot difficult( )20Lets play _ basketball. I dont like playing _ violin(小提琴)at home. Athe, the Bthe, C, the D, ( )21_ your friend like English? ADoes BDo CIs DHas( )22_ our club, please! AJoin BJoin in CCome DGo( )23Lets _ and _ football on the playground. Ato go, to play Bgo, play Cto go, play Dgo, to play( )24_ they have any sports collections? Yes, they _.AAre, are BDo, do CCan, do DDo, can( )25Can you _ it _ English?Aspeak, in Bsay, in Ctalk, with Dtell, with从右栏中找出与左栏对应的答语26Are there pictures on the wall?AYes, they do.27Is there a ball under the desk?BYes, it is.28Do they have a tennis racket?CYes, they are.29Does she like the hat?DYes, there is.30Lets play computer games?EYes, she does.31Is that your baseball?FThey are chairs.32Are these chairs?GNo, there arent.33Are these chairs or sofas?HI have many sports collections.34Whats on the dresser?IThere is a watch on it.35What do you have?JThat sounds good.选用正确的词填空do, does, dont, doesnt, is, am, are, be, can, cant36What _ Sue have? She has many sports things. 37Do you have some more paper? No, I _. 38There _ two football and a volleyball in the basket. 39Lets _ good friends. 40_ you spell your name, please? 41_ there a football game on TV today? 42Sorry, I _ answer the question. Its too difficult. 43Card _ like sports. She thinks its boring. 44_ they need more school things? 45I _ a football fan. I like it very much. 按要求转换句型46My father doesnt like playing tennis. (变为肯定句)_ 47I think tennis is very interesting. (就划线部分提问)_ 48Tim has a gold watch. (变为一般疑问句)_ 49I play sports every morning. (变为否定句)_ 50There are old bikes under the tree. (变为单数句)_ 参考答案1A 2C 3B 4D 5C6sounds 7Dohave 8has 9clubs 10them 11plays 12bring 13Doeslike 14us 15interesting16C(watch TV看电视) 17A(look at“看”,表示动作)18B(see“看见”,表示结果) 19A(difficult形容词,“困难的” )20C(表示球类运动的名词前不用冠词,表示乐器的名词前用定冠词the)21A(your friend是单数名词作主语) 22A(join表示“加入”的意思)23B(lets后接动词原形) 2 4B(do为助动词,用于行为动词构成疑问句)25B(say表示说的具体内容,in English用英语)26G 27D 28A 29E 30J 31B 32C 33F 34I 35H36does 37dont 38are 39be 40Can 41Is 42cant 43doesnt 44Do 45am46My father likes playing tennis.47What sport do you think is very interesting?48Does Tim have a gold watch? 或Has Tim a gold watch?49I dont play sports every morning.50There is an old bike under the tree.- 3 -用心 爱心 专心
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