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Things for School课题Lesson 6: Things for School时间主备人授课人班级审核人阶段环节教学过程教师活动学生活动第一阶段预学案第二阶段教学案第三阶段检测案目标导航学习目标掌握重点单词: thing, need, list, ten, six, seven, one, nine, eight掌握重点短语:What about., need to do sth.向学生明确目标明确这节课该干什么自主预习掌握本课单词和短语的读法,并能了解文章大意。自学预习自测预习反馈:(2-3mins)合作探究:交流展示:精讲点拨:(25mins )达标测试:(8min )巩固提升(8min)英汉互译1.thing 2.我有一些新朋友 3.need 4.商店 5.shopping list 6.在清单上 7.需要做. 8.在商店 1、 检查单词及词组的读法并校正。2、 汉译英1.我今年有一些新朋友。 _ 2.你的新学校怎么样? _ 3.我需要买一些东西。 _ 4.这是我的清单。 _合作探究:(10mins)Task 1:小组读课文弄懂文章大意,并找出课文中所涉及的短语和句型。Task 2:教师播放听力录音,学生完成Lets Do It 1。Task2:小组讨论合作完成Lets do It 2、3。交流展示:(5mins)1.展示课文中所涉及的短语和句型。2.展示Lets Do It 1-3的答案。3.学生试着制作自己的购物清单,完成Lets Do It 4,并相互交流答案。精讲点拨:(10mins)1.知识点:邮件的格式和基本写法。2.What about you new school?知识点:What about.句型的释义和用法。3. Here is my list.知识点:句子释义和倒装句的简单用法。4. I need to buy some things for my classes.知识点:need作实义动词的简单用法;介词for的用法。5.知识点:可数名词的复数。1、 根据图片写出短语。 _(1) _(2) _(3) 二、单项选择1.What can I do for you?I want _ iPad (苹果平板电脑) for my daughter. She needs_Aan;one Ba;one Can;it Da;it 2.I have _ new friends. Asome Bany Clot Da lot 3.Tom needs _ his homework first.A to do BDid C. does Ddoing 4_ the yellow blouse? Its very nice.A How many BHow muchCWhat about DWhy not 5. Old Mr. Black lives happily with his three dogs. _ of them are part of his family.ABoth BAll CNone DNeither 用所给单词的正确形式填空1In the supermarket,you can buy many different _(thing)2You can make a _(shop) list.3This is Wang Fang and this is Li Mei. They are _(student)4What about _(watch) a film?5We need _(study) hard. 教师验收预习效果巡视指导订正答案耐心讲解教师讲解本节课重难点教师巡视从课本查阅完成练习学生作答学生小组讨论交流先独立完成再与组员订对答案学生理解记忆学生独立完成练习教学反思参考答案:预习自测 1. thing 2. I have some new friends 3.需要 4.store 5.购物清单 6.on the list 7.need to do 8.at the store 预习反馈 二、1.I have some new friends. 2.What about your new school? 3.I need to buy some things. 4.Here is my list.达标测试:一、1.ten pencils 2.eight erasers 3.nine pens 二、1-5 AAACB巩固提升:一、1.things 2.shopping 3.students 4.watching 5.to study 4
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