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future transportation学习目标knowledge and skills(知识与技能)辨析:one与itprocess and method(过程与方法)task-driven(任务驱动)cooperation inquiry(合作探究) promoted step by step(逐步提升) emotional attitude and values (情感态度与价值观) Introduce to each other,further understandemphasis(重点)辨析:one与itDifficulty(难点)辨析:one与it时间分配导课 1 分、自学 6 分、交流 14 分、展示 10 分、小结 4 分、巩固 5 分学习过程学案(学习过程)导案(学法指导)【independent study】(自主学习)v Listening practice(听力训练)Listen to the passage and finish the question 2on the page of91.v reading practice(阅读训练) 第一关Read the lesson and finish the question 2 on the page of 91. 第二关 Summarize the main ideas of the text.【cooperation inquiry】(合作探究) v vocabulary games 词汇游戏Words:hoverboard n 飞翔器 smooth adj. 平稳的,平坦的,光滑的 Float v 漂浮 transporter n 背包allow v 允许 form n 形式形状Phrases:Travel at the speed of light 以光速行驶All the time 一直,醒来v exercise即学即练【中考链接】二用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. It _takes_(take) me 3 hours _to do_(do ) my homework last night. 2. I hope someone _invent_(invent) a transporter.3. Present your transportation_invention_(invent) by _drawing_(draw)it. 4. Do you think the animals are _dangerous_(danger).5. Everyone has to think of an invention and _presentation_(present)to the class.五. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。(10分)46. 昨天我花了两个小时完成了作业。It me two hours my homework yesterday47. 那个箱子太重了,它里面装满了书。The box is too heavy. It books.48. 安娜昨晚熬夜写了一份新计划。 Anna to work out a new plan last night.49. 在回家的路上,他买了许多水果。 , he bought a lot of fruits. 50. 他忘了打开收音机,所以错过了那个节目。He forgot to the radio, so he missed the program. 51. 从现在开始,我们将会努力学习来实现梦想。 , well work hard to realize our dreams.52. 汤姆好像知道了一切事情。Tom know everything. v topic discussion话题讨论 【Home work】(拓展作业)课后第三题Leading in:Have you ever used a skateboard? Do you think skateboards are dangerous?Language point:1. 1. Have you ever used a skateboard? 你曾经用过滑板吗?【解析】skateboard n. & v. 1) n. 滑板。This is a picture of a skateboard. 这是一幅滑板图。vi. 踩滑板,参加滑板运动。go skateboarding去溜滑板【衔接】skate n. & vi1) n. 滑冰鞋 a pair of skates一双滑冰鞋2) v. 滑冰 go skating 去滑冰2.It would go really fast, and the ride would be so smooth. 它飞的相当快而且乘做起来是那样平稳。smooth adj. & v. 1)adj. 光滑的;平坦的,反义词rough。The silk feels smooth. 这种丝绸摸起来很光滑。平静的,指水面,同义词calm。 The sea looks calm and smooth. 海面显得风平浪静。平稳的;顺利的。The car came to a smooth stop. 汽车平稳的停下来。2) vt. 使光滑;使平坦。The worker is smoothing the road. 那个工人正在平整道路。vi. 变平滑;变温和。The sea has smoothing down. 海上已经风平浪静。3. I hope someone will invent one in the future. 我希望将来有人来发明一个。【解析】one在句中作代词代替上文出现的hoverboardone作代词时可以代替上文中出现的人或物,复数形式是ones,代替上文中出现的一些人或物。如:This hoverboard is bigger than that one. 这个飞翔器比那个要大。(one=one hoverboard)-I want to buy some pencils. 我想买些铅笔。-Which ones do you want? 你想买些什么样的?-I want the red ones. 我想买些红色的。辨析:one与it两者都可以代替上文提到的东西。但两者用法有所不同,one表示泛指,指前面提到过的那类人或事物中的任何一个;it则表示特指,指代前面提到过的那个人或物,名次前面通常加定冠词the。如:-Do you have a bike? 你有辆自行车吗?4. A transporter would send you from one place to another placevery, very quickly.【解析】send在句中相当于carry“运载,载运”The plane will send you to Beijing. 飞机将载着你去北京。send的用法1) send sb. sth. =send sth. to sb. 寄给某人某物Ill send him a message tomorrow. =Ill send a message to him tomorrow. 我明天将给他捎个信去。2) send sb. to do sth. 派某人做某事They have sent some workers to help the farmers. 他们已经派了一些工人去帮助那些农民。3) send away赶走;解雇The teacher wanted to send Tom away from school. 老师想把汤姆从学校撵走。4) send for派人去请His mother sent for a doctor. 他妈妈派人去请医生。Blackboard design: 辨析:one与it教学反思本单元主要介绍交通工具,因此本单元重点锻炼学生的口语表达能力,从刚刚上课的情况来看,学生的表达能力太差,主要还是因为单词量太小,平时又练得少,因此在今后的课堂中应给学生提供口语练习大纲,降低学生练习口语的难度。4
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