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重庆市云阳盛保初级中学七年级英语下册 Unit6 topic 3 Which is the way to the post office Section A导学案(无答案) 仁爱版Write down the names of the buildings:医院 _ 邮局 _ 书店 _ 图书馆 _ 博物馆 _ 餐馆 _银行 _Translate the phrases:沿着走 _ 你的左、右边 _ 到达 _ 向左拐 _ 在第一个十字路口 _走过 _在的拐角处 _在对面 _ 在与之间 _质疑探究1.Is there a bank near here?(同义句)_ can I get to the bank?_ is the way to the bank?2. Go up the street and youll find it. (同义句)Go _ the street and youll find it.反馈检测填入所缺的单词:1. -Excuse me, is _ a post office near here?-Yes, go _ the street _ the end and youll find it _ your left.2.- Excuse me, _ can I _ to the park? -Go _ the road and _ right _ the second crossing. Go _ the bridge and youll see it _ your right.3.- Excuse me, _ is the way to the hospital, please? - Walk _ Zhongshan street. Its about 100 meters _.Then youll see it _ the corner of Zhongshan Street and Xinhua Street.根据句意填入所缺单词。41.There is an old _ over the river. Every day many people go across it.42.You need to _ from the No.1 bus to the No.2 bus.43.If you drive too fast, you may have an _.44.You must obey the r_ when you cross the street.45.Be _. Dont drive too fast. Its dangerous.2
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