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七年级英语下册Unit 8 Is there a post office near here(第6课时)导学案(无答案)课型综合课设计:审核:审批:班级:小组:姓名:使用时间: 月 日 星期 课题:Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?第 6 课时累计 课时学习过程(定向导学:教材 43-48 页)流程及学习内容学习要求和方法一、目标解读1、复习本单元的重点单词2、复习本单元的重点短语3、复习本单元的重点句子2、 夯实基础DictationC1 C2 警察局 向右拐 在附近 喜欢阅读 有空 在他左边 穿过中心街 在大桥街 沿着北街走 从你家到达图书馆 看猴子四处爬 在第二个十字路口处 看见某人在干某事 在.和.之间 三、能力提升1. Look at the map of Cindys neighborhood and fill in the blanks in 3a.(C) My house is across from a _ on Long Street. I usually go shopping at a _ near my house. It is between a _ and the _. On weekends, I like to play in the _. To get there, I go along Long Street and turn left on Long Street. It is on the right, next to _. 2. Finish 3b. Draw a map of your neighborhood and write about it. These questions may help you.(B) Where do you live? What is your favorite place in your neighborhood? Why? How do you get there from your home?四、总结梳理1. Complete the passage with the words in the box.(B) spend free climb enjoy I am very busy on school days, but I have some _ time on weekends. I like to spend time with my grandparents on Sundays. My grandma makes the foods I like. And I _ playing Chinese chess with my grandpa. Hes very good at it! We also like to sit and talk. We sometimes watch the neighbors cats _ the trees. Its relaxing to _ weekends like this. I love my grandparents!2. Write five sentences about your school using there is/ are.(B)1. _.2. _.3. _.4. _. 5. _.五、过关检测中考链接1. I want to drink _ water. Is there _ water in the glass?A. some; someB. some; anyC. any; any D. any; some 2. _ is the park? Its on the right of the school.A. Where B. What C. Why D. How3. Jim sits next to me, on _ (I) left.4我们学校后面有一条河。 _ _ a _ _ our school. 5公园和邮局之间有路吗? _ _ a road _ the park _ the post office? 学法指导:C层上台板书,A层检查学法指导:参照P48页3a图片,独立完成学法指导:根据实际情况,先画出一张你家附近的简易地图,再写出这些问题的答案,根据答案,将其组成一段文字学法指导:选词填空,注意动词的用法学法指导:C层次学生至少两个句子,B层次学生至少四个,A层次学生至少六个课后反思课后,我是否需要老师辅导?是( )否( )
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