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Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark知识技能目标能够听懂含有used to的对话,会谈论自己和他人的过去方法情感目标让学生学会观察同一个事物或者人以前和现在的变化,让学生更加关注身边的美好事物。重点文段理解难点2b教法录音机学法听说 阅读一 复习自学通过做下面的题,让学生即对旧知识复习巩固,又能引出新知。起到承上启下的作用。一、完成句子:你以前很矮,是吗? 是的,我很矮。 不,我不矮。You used to _ short, _ you? Yes, I _. No, I _.2. 你过去常常弹钢琴吗? 是的,我常弹。不,我不常弹。Did you _ _ _the piano? Yes, I _. No, I _.3. 我过去的确很文静。 我以前不喜欢考试。I _ _ _ really quiet. I _ _ _ like tests.4. 你过去是长头发。 她过去是卷发。You _ _ _ long hair. She _ _ _ curly hair.5. 她过去很害羞,不敢在众人面前讲话。 She used to_ _and_afraid of_ in front of a group.6. 汤姆变了很多,我几乎认不出他了。 Tom has changed_ _; I can_ recognize him.7. 我过去常常花许多时间和朋友们玩游戏,但是我不再有时间玩了。I _ _ _ a lot of time _ games with my friends, but I just dont have the time _.8. 玉梅好像改变很大。 _ _ _Yu Mei has 3、回想一下,你过去还害怕哪些东西?用used to结构描述自己过去害怕的事物。完成1b。4、PPT呈现本课听力中的短语,让学生朗读并理解。worry about testsused to be very nervous about them.I still like high school more than primary school.we used to play every day after school. Now we just study all the time.we used to wear the school uniform. Now we can wear we like.I dont mind wearing a school uniform.【合作探究】听力训练与交流听磁带一次,感悟语音语调、句群停顿。听磁带一次,勾出你听到的句子,完成1c。再听磁带一次,磁带中的同学害怕什么东西,请填写表格,完成1d。跟读磁带一次,模仿语音语调、句群停顿。朗读听力材料,进一步理解磁带内容。根据1d表格,描述男孩和女孩的变化。谈谈自己的变化,完成1e。【练评】(包含“考点链接” 应用探究 )【自主探究】谈论自己:What did you use to be like ?2、引导学生看标题,引入Li Wen,并提问: What did Li Wen used to be like ? 3、 默读课文,完成课本2b , 2c三 点拨提升教师精讲,让学生多练,使其掌握难点知识(小组讨论)1.Did he cause many problems when he was a little boy? Why or why not?2.Who took care of him while his parents worked in the city?3.How did he feel when his parents were away changed _ _.二 预习P29课文, 划译下列单词短语。 蚂蚁 昆虫 足球队队员 紧张 总是 2.用新学的词填空完成. 1. In the cruel war, they had nothing to eat but i_. 2. Some pupils are _ exams. 3. He isnt _ (足球队队员)of our school, so he cant play for our school. 4. Jack is a top student, since he studies very hard _ _(总是). 5. Before the heavy rainstorm, the a_ got together and moved to another place to live in.二 合作探究通过话题讨论引出新知,激发学生的学习兴趣。1、PPT呈现本课单词,学生拼读、记忆。ant /a:nt/ n. 蚂蚁 insect /insekt/ n. 昆虫 2、看图画,你过去害怕这些东西吗?用used to结构描述自己过去害怕的事物。并写出4个used to结构的句子。完成1a。from home?4.Why did his parents send him to a boarding school?5.Did he get on well with his classmates in the new school?6.What made him change? 7.What do you think is the most important in your life?四 巩固练习 通过本环节,学生可以夯实基础知识,巧妙掌握答题技巧归纳总结一、 汉翻英 1)一个十五岁的男孩 2)下决心 3)把他送到寄宿学校 4)对感到自豪 5)亲自 6)总是做某事 7)对感到自豪 8)找工作 9)坐了24小时的火车 10)劝告某人做某事 11) 搬到 12)惹麻烦 13)即使 14 感到孤独 15)对不感兴趣 16)逃课 17) 考试不及格 18)照顾二、根据汉语和提示词完成句子 1. 他昨天没有出席会议。(absent)2. 他的父母送他到上海学习。(send)3.医生建议他亲自和记者谈谈。(advise)4.他对弹钢琴没了兴趣。(become)5.她总是想着自己的工作。(always)6.这个年轻的妈妈为她的儿子感到自豪。(proud)7. 他叔叔终于下定决心帮他一把。In the end ,his uncle _ _ _ to give him a hand. 五Summery (小结)通过这篇课文的学习,我明白了_.
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