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Unit 6 Topic 2 My home is in an apartment building section B学习目标: 1. 继续学习There be 句型和方位介词2. 谈论小区设施及居住环境.Preview. 预习neighbor_ bank_ supermarket_ 看医生_ 存钱_ 停车_寄信_在街道的拐角处_.Learning. 学习1.Learn by yourself.自主学习。(同学们自己先学一学吧,老师知道你们很棒)1)阅读教材37页2a的内容.仿照例子: A: where can we keep money? B: In the bank.做更多的练习。2)完成2b.3)学习1a.2.Guide点拨(看看老师如何归纳总结,我也来学一学)1.Would you like me to help you? 需要我帮忙吗? 当别人主动向你提供帮助时,回答方式主要有以下几种:Thanks. That would be fine./ Thats very kind of you. / Thank you for you help. / Yes, please.Would like sb. to do sth.意为“想要某人去做某事”,相当于 . 我的父母想要我努力学习。 2. Mr. Smart lives at the end of Park Road. at the end of . 在尽头。 end 做名词,意为“末尾,终点”。 end 做动词时,意为“结束,终止” 。在2012年底 这节课什么时候结束? 拓展: in the end 表示“最后,终于”相当于at last. 3. There are no houses on the right, but there is a tall tree.右边没有房子, 但是有一棵大树。 no 在此用作形容词, 相当于not a/an或not any, 意为“没有, 无”。后面直接跟可数名词的单、复数形式, 以及不可数名词。 e.g. There is no book on the desk.= I have no money in my purse.= 3.Conperation合作学习(互帮互助,齐进步) 同学们交换你们手中的课本和导学案,发现优点我学习,发现错误我指出,提出问题齐讨论,不能解决作记录。4.Consolidation巩固(练一练老师点拨的重点。)完成38页3a.Show yourself展示(快来秀一秀吧,我们为你加油!)分角色朗读1a对话并表演对话。(表演小达人在今日表现后奖励自己一个笑脸吧).Have a try 试一试一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词: If (如果)you want to keep money , you should go to a b 。 Mrs. White lives next to me ,She is my n 。 If you want to have a meal outside (外面的),and you want to buy some food .You can go to the s 。 Mary likes reading books. She often buys some new books in the b 。 ( 哇!全做对了,真了不起,奖励自己两个 吧。如果你还有困难,没事儿,下次加油。)今日表现: 组长评价:教师寄语:where theres a will, theres a way.有志者,事竟成。2
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