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福建省厦门市杏南中学2013-2014学年七年级英语上学期期中试题(一)听力部分(共24分)听音,选择符合内容情景的图片。(听两遍) A B C1. 2 3. 4. 听简短对话,然后挑选最佳答案回答所听到问题(听两遍)5 A. On the hat. B. Under the hat. C. In the hat. 6 A . The soccer balls. B. The basketballs. C. The volleyballs. 7 A . Its relaxing . B. Its difficult. C. Its interesting. 8 A . White B. Yellow C. Brown9 A . Ping-pong B. Tennis C. Soccer10 A . Its a ring. B. Its a pen. C. Its an eraser. 听一篇较长对话和一篇短文,然后选择正确答案作答11-16小题(听两遍) Text A :11 . Where is Mikes computer game? A. Under the desk. B. On the table. C. Under the bed. 12 . What does Sam have? A. A volleyball. B. A basketball. C. A baseball.13. Where are Jenny and Mike? A . In the library. B. In Mikes room. C. In the classroom.Text B :14 . Ed has _balls. A. 5 . B. 13. C. 22.15 . The ping-pong balls are _. A. on the bookcase B. under the bed C. in the box16. Ed plays volleyball with his _ every day. A. friends B. brothers C. cousins 听一篇短文,用恰当的单词填空完成17-20小题(每空一词,听三遍,一题2分) Name LikesThings(东西) he/she has17._Playing soccer and basketball Four soccer balls and six basketballsMary Playing 18_ and tennis19. _tennis ballsLiu KaiPlaying ping-pongNine ping-pong balls and 20._ ping-pong bats笔试部分(共96分)(二) 基础知识与运用 单项选择(共20分)21. _ this? Its a map.A. WheresB. Whats C. Hows22. Do they like basketball? _. But they dont like football. A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, they are. C. No, they arent.23. “Is this your pen?” “Yes, _.”A. is B. its C. it is24. _? D-E-S-K. A. Whats this in English B. How do you spell it C. Whats that25. Do you like _?Yes. I like baseball.A. CDs B. English C. sports26. Ping-pong is easy. Lets _ it.A. watch B. eat C. play 27.Thanks _ the great photo.A. toB. of C. for28. Her name is Mary Green . Her last name is _.A.Mary Green B. Mary C. Green29. Do you like playing computer games?No, its _.A. relaxing B. boring C. interesting30. Mum, where is my backpack?_. Is it under the bed?A.I dont know B. Excuse me C. Its here31. Hello, Tom! _, Mike! A. Good B. Hi C. Thanks32. Is that your father? _. Its my uncle. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt C. Yes, he is33. What _your name? Jack. A. is B. are C. am34. This is _ ID card. A. an B. a C. /35. Lets _TV. A. watch B. look C. watches36- Lets have oranges. -_. A. Thats sound good B. That sounds good. C. Thats sounds good 37. Some books and a pencil-box_ in the bag. A. are B. is C. have 38. Please call Mary _ 3546403. She isnt _. A. in , at B. at , in C. at , on 39. My coat is yellow , what about_? A. you B. your C. yours 40._ your brother _a bat ?A. Do; have B. Does ; have C. Does; has 完形填空。(10分) Hello, my name is Jack. I_41_ a student in No.1 Middle school. In my spare time(空余时间), I like doing sports .I like _42_ tennis and basketball. Look _43_ my bedroom. I have a tennis racket. _44_ is on the table. I have two _45_. They are _46_the bed. Playing sports is very _47_, so I like it very much. I also like eating. Among(在中间)fruits, I like _48_ best. But I _49_ like apples. I like French fries very much. So I am very fat. The doctor _50_ me to eat more healthy food. ( ) 41. A. is B. are C. am ( ) 42. A .the B. a C. / ( ) 43. A .at B. in C. for ( ) 44. A .It B. Its C. They ( ) 45. A. basketballs B. basketball C. volleyball ( ) 46. A .in B .at C. under ( ) 47. A .boring B. fun C. bad
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