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Unit 7 The Sea写作园地-如何写景点观光(报告) 感悟范文假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Sarah打算暑期来北京旅游,来信询问改建后前门大街的情况。请你写封回信,简单介绍以下内容: (1)简况:长800余米、600多年历史、300余家商铺; (2)位置:天安门广场南面; (3)交通:公共汽车17、69、59等路,地铁2号线; (4)特色:步行街、当当车、茶馆、剧院等。 参考词汇:步行街pedestrian street当当车trolley car地铁subway注意:(1)词数100左右,开头语已为你写好; (2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Sarah, Thank you for your letter asking about the rebuilt Qianmen Street. Here is something about it._ _Yours,Li Hua范文Dear_Sarah,Thank_you_for_your_letter_asking_about_the_rebuilt_Qianmen_Street._Here_is_something_about_it.Qianmen Street is a famous street of over 600 years. Along this 800meter street, there are more than 300 shops. As the street is in the center of Beijing, just to the south of Tiananmen Square, its very convenient to get there by bus. You may take Buses No. 17,69 or 59. Subway Line 2 has a stop there too.Qianmen Street is a pedestrian street, but there are trolley cars to take you not only to the shops, but also to theatres and teahouses where you can experience a truly Chinese way of life. Im sure youll like it.Yours,Li_Hua技法讨论景点观光报告的写作可按以下步骤进行:1依照报告的题头格式,写出报告的收件人和发件人,报告日期和写作主题。2正文一般由以下四部分组成:总体介绍该景点的基本情况,如:所处位置以及面积大小等;介绍该景点好的方面;指出该景点所存在的问题;最后得出结论,总结说明该景点哪些地方值得游览,哪些地方不值得游览,并提出注意事项。黄金表达1. 总体方面.is situated/located in/on/at.belongs to the first class preserved area.2. 优点方面It has convenient transportation and beautiful views.a wonderful and splendid landscape with a cultural heritage.a feast for your eyes and takes your breath away.3. 存在方面.heavy traffic and crowded people in peak season with long queues and little parking lot.restaurant or caf offers expensive and terrible food.4. 总结概括It is a great place to go and you are sure to end up enjoying yourself.Please go to., especially to see.; however dont go to.亮点分析亮点一:本文作者行文流畅,表达地道,词汇丰富,句式多变,衔接自然,语气亲切可信,语言准确而有依据。亮点二:本文使用了there be句型;定语从句,简单句与复合句交替使用,使文章显得错落有致,这点不仅使文章在形式上增加了美感,而且使文章读起来朗朗上口。亮点三:本文恰当使用了in the center of, to the south of, be convenient,not only.but also, a truly Chinese way of life等短语,提升了文章档次。类文演练假设你是一名导游,陪同某外国旅游团参观八达岭长城。车到达长城脚下,下车前你对大家作必要的介绍和交代。主要包括: 1.简单介绍八达岭长城(长城已被评选为世界新七大奇迹之一,八达岭长城是万里长城最著名的一段,已接待中外游人逾千万); 2.在长城逗留两个半小时,17:50离开; 3.车在长城脚下等候,记住车号,准时返回; 4.贵重物品随身携带,下车前关上车窗; 5.祝大家玩得愉快。 注意:1.必须包括以上所有的内容要点,但不要逐句翻译; 2.词数:100个左右。Here is the Great Wall. _ _ 联想词汇1. 众所周知_答案:it is known to us that/as is known to us all2. 世界新七大奇迹之一_答案:one of the New Seven Wonders of the World3. 到目前为止 _答案:so far/up to now4. 数以百万的_答案:millions of5. 两个半小时_答案:two hours and a half/two and a half hours6. 也就是说 _答案:that is to say/in other words7. 下车 _答案:get off8. 玩得愉快 _答案:have a good time连词成句1. 众所周知,八达岭是长城最著名的一段,长城已成为世界新七大奇迹之一。_, Badaling is the most famous part of the Great Wall, which has become one of the New Seven Wonders of the World._ Badaling is the most famous part of the Great Wall, which has become one of the New Seven Wonders of the World._ Badaling is the most famous part of the Great Wall, which has become one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.答案:As is known to us all; It is known to us all that; What is known to us all is that2. 到目前为止,已经有数百万的游客游览了长城。_, millions of visitors have visited the Great Wall._, tens of thousands of visitors have visited the Great Wall.答案:So far; Up to now3. 也就是说,我们要在17:50离开。_, well leave at 17:50._, well leave at 17:50.答案:That is to say; In other words4. 请随身携带贵重物品,在下车前关闭所有的窗户。Please take your valuables with you and _.Please take your valuables with you and _
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