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Unit1-Unit 2一、选择题 1. In sports meeting, Amy ran _. A. as faster as she can B. as soon as she could C. as fast as she could D. as sooner as she can 2. The boy is very fat _ too much food. A. So B. so of C. because D. because of 3.Which is _, the sun or the moon? A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. the biggest 4. I _ he _ right. A. think, isnt B. dont think, is C. think, dont D. dont think, be5. We _ here for three years. A. have been B. have come C. have came D. came6. My funny jokes made him _ A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing D. laughed7.I hope you _ tomorrow A. to come B. are come C. can come D. come8. Im hungry, can I have something _? A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. eats 9. Betty is _ at swimming than running. A. good B. better C. well D.best10. We want someone else to teach us _ A. something different B. different something C. anything different D. different something11. May is my best friend, Ill _ her.A. vote at B. vote for C. voted for D. vote in12. Eddie is eight years old, but we have seven candles only, we need_candle. A. Only one B. one more C. some more D. one much13. Dont watch TV _, its bad for your eyes. A. many too B. much too C. too much D. too many14. Lucy is _ of the two.A. old B. oldest C. the oldest D. older 15. Hobo is at home alone, he feels _ A. bore B. boring C. borer D. bored 16. Most of the children are generous _ people. A. of B. in C. on D. to二、词汇 1. Does May want to be a _ (sing) when he grows up? 2. Listen! Someone is _ (knock) on the door.3. Sandys _ ( high ) is 1.60 meters4. Its _ ( danger ) for a young boy to climb the mountains.5. We are _ ( bore ) to have bad memories.6. Who is the _ (最有趣的), Sandy, Tom or Kim?7. He _ (想起) of his best friend when he read the report.8. They are _ (肯定) pleased with the players.9. The telephone is ringing, Amy, help me _ (接) it.10. Do you like your trip? Is it _ (令人愉快的).11. Listen! They _ ( talk ) about our new teacher.12. Mr. Li _ ( take ) us to a very beautiful country soon.13. Betty is good at _ ( draw ) very much.14. He spent a lot of time _ ( do ) his homework everyday.15. If it is fine tomorrow, I _ ( go ) with you.16. He often helps others, and _ ( do ) a lot of hard work for the club.17. He left the room without _ ( say ) a word.18. Elsa put the can in a box and _ ( run ) away.三、根据所给中文完成翻译句子 1.英语与语文,哪个容易些?_, English or Chinese?2.我们不应该说别人的坏话?We _.3.孩子们总是很乐意帮助那些需要帮助的人 Children is always _.4.这个房间容不下这么多人So many people _.5.我的老师上课时很有幽默感 My teacher _, when he has his classes.6. 她不小心撞翻了桌上的碗She is careless to _ on the table.7. 当吉姆听到这个坏消息,他感到很抱歉After Jim heard of the bad news, he _.8.他写得和他妹妹一样的认真He writes _ sister.四、选择题。( ) 1. The Chinese people are_ than you think. A. polite B. politer C. more polite D. very polite( ) 2. How funny the weather is ! What about _softball? A. practice play B. practise playing C. practicing playing D. practice playing the ( ) 3. Will you please teach me _to use the computer? A. how B. what C. why D. which ( ) 4. He likes listening to music on the radio, but he cant _too much time _it.A. pay, for B. spend, on C. cost, listening to D. take , in ( ) 5. Why _Jim go to school by bike? A. do B. dont C. doesnt D. isnt ( ) 6. He is _stronger than his brother.A. more B. veryC. quiteD. much ( ) 7. Please come here a little _next time. A. early B. earlier C. earliest D. the earliest ( ) 8. There are some trees on one side of the road and some factories on _. A. other B the other C. another D. others ( ) 9. Did you hear the news? Liu Mei is going to move to London. Shall we make our voice rise or fall at the end of the two sentences? A. , B., C., D., ( ) 10. Kitty has _ money than Simon. A. little B. the less C. the least D. less ( ) 11. Daniel scored _points of the three. A. more B. the more C. the most D. some ( ) 12. His teddy bear is _ hers and their CDs are also _. A. like, like B. alike, alike C. alike, li
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