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Lets celebrate【学习目标】1、学习中外著名的节日 2、初步了解这些节日的庆祝方式。3、谈论最喜爱的节日。【重点难点】1、学习中外著名的节日 2、初步了解这些节日的庆祝方式【预习指导】1.背诵、默写单词。单词听磁带跟读3遍。词组请在课本中用笔把他们划出来。1.庆祝(v) celebrate 2.猜,猜测(n) guess 3.穿着,穿衣(v) dress 4.装扮,乔装打扮 dress up 5.作为,当作(prep) as 6.圣诞节(n) Christmas7.节日(n) festival 8.因为(conj) because 9.鬼 (n) ghost10.礼物(n) present 11.在一起,共同(adv) together12.聚会,联欢get together 13.月饼(n)moon cake14.圆的,满的(adj) full 15.劳动节 May Day 16.在中秋节at Mid-Autumn Festival 17.感恩节Thanksgiving Day 18.端午节,龙舟节 Dragon Boat Festival 19.在元旦on Chinese New Year 20.儿童节Childrens Day 21.教师节Teachers Day 22.国庆节 National Day 23.在圣诞节at Christmas24.万圣节Halloween25.在那天on that day26.美猴王 Monkey King27.欣赏满月 enjoy the full moon28.猜一猜 have a guess 29.让我们庆祝!Lets celebrate!30.你最喜欢的节日是什么?What is your favourite festival?31.吃大餐 have a big dinner32.我所有的家人 all my family (复数)33.得到许多漂亮的礼物 get lots of nice presents34.装扮成鬼dress up as a ghost35.袋里的是什么?Whats in the bag?2、完成书本P57页练习【合作探究】这里有一些需要你记住的语言点,千万要用心哦!(1)Lets celebrate.=Let us celebrate. 让我们来庆祝吧。让我们一起练习讲英语吧! _ _ _ English together.让我们去读书俱乐部吧!Lets _ to the _ _.Let _(she) learn more about the world.celebrate 庆祝 庆祝万圣节_ _我们每年庆祝新年。We _ the _ _ _ every year.celebrate by doing sth 通过做某事来庆祝我们通过互赠礼物来庆祝圣诞节。We _ Christmas by _ _ _ each other.(2) be interesting 有趣的 ,an interesting story 有趣的故事,be interested in 对某事感兴趣The game is _(interest). So I am _ (interest) in it.My little brother is very _ (interest) and he is _ (interest) in football game.(3) I want to dress up as a ghost.我想扮幽灵。dress名词,意思是:连衣裙,女服我姐姐非常喜欢那件黄色的连衣裙。My sister _ that _ _very much.dress动词,意思是:穿衣 ,dress sb /oneself 给某人/自己穿衣 每天妈妈给他穿衣服。 His mother _ _ every day.dress up 打扮,穿上盛装, 乔装打扮She likes to _ _ _ the party.她喜欢把自己打扮好去参加晚会。 dress up as 乔装打扮成我爸爸今年想装扮成圣诞老人。My father _ _ _ _ _ Father Christmas this year.(4)dress , put on 与 wearput on:穿上(衣服);戴上(帽子),表示一个动作。有人称代词宾格it 和them时要放在 put on中间。(反义词)take off , 脱下看,露西正在穿她最喜爱的鞋。Look, Lucy is _ _ her _ shoes.史密斯先生戴上帽子走出了房间。Mr Smith _ his hat _and _ out of the room.wear 意为穿衣服,戴手表,眼镜(假发),表示一种状态或长时间的穿或戴着.。今天她穿着一件绿色的连衣裙。She _ a green _ today.(5)Which is your favourite festival? 你最喜爱的节日是哪一个?=_ _do _ _ _? 【课堂检测】词性转换:1. How about getting _ (在一起) this evening?2.I give him some _ (礼物) on his birthday every year.3. Why do you d_ up as a doctor?4. June 1st is _(child) Day.5. Ill make a nice card for my English teacher for _(teacher) Day.6.What about some more rice? No, thanks . I am f_.三动词填空:1. Shed like _(celebrate) Halloween with us?2. Thanks for _(dress) my son.3. My family _ (get) together and have a big dinner at Mid-Autumn Festival.4. Why not _(look) at the sign? You shouldnt _(swim) here.5. He is busy _(get) ready for the exam.6. You can use the pen _(write).7. It is good for you _(exercise) more.8. I spend about one hour _(do) my homework every day.9. You need _(practise) _(speak) English every day.10.My uncle with my parents _(live) in Beijing. 订正、笔记栏七年级英语导学案课 题Unit 5 Lets celebrate课 型阅读1时 间主 备审 核学生姓名【学习目标】:1学习有关万圣节的知识。2学习新的单词和短语。3了解信件的写作格式。 4培养阅读能力。【学习重难点】:1了解信件的写作格式。 2培养阅读能力。【预习指导】:一、找出重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型和语法),查词典和有关资料解释其意义及用法,举例句或例题。二、词组翻译:1.举行特殊的聚会 _ 2.在10月31日晚_3.敲他们的门_ 4.和里面的人玩一个游戏_5.给我们一些糖作为招待 _ 6.捉弄他们_7.装扮并带面具 _ 8.把我们的脸涂起来_9.享受美食和热饮 _ 10.制作南瓜灯_【合作 探究】:一.快速阅读课文,回答问题:(1)When did Wendy write the letter?_(2)What does Wendy thank Millie for?_(3)When is Halloween?_ _(4) What do people do on the festival?_(5) What do the children do on Halloween?_(6)How do children play “trick or treat”?_(7) When do people have a party?_(8) What do they enjoy at the Halloween party?_二、仔细阅读课文,核对B1,B2,B3,B4 内容。【课堂检测】一 完成句子1.I want to give Millie _ . (一盒巧克力作为招待 )
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