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Unit 5 Amazing things【学习目标】 1.理解并运用本课的四会词汇和主要句型。 2.通过阅读获取信息,提高自己分析问题和解决问题的能力。掌握并会运用本课所学的主要词汇及句型。3. 我们要具备热爱动物、崇尚科学的情感。【学习重点】掌握并会运用本课的四会单词、词组和主要句型。【学习难点】理解一般过去时在本文中的运用。【预习导学】本文以故事的形式讲述了Millie和Amy在公园里见到“鬼”的经历。你想知道有没有“鬼”?那么就赶快读这篇神秘文章吧!一.本文有很多生词,如果你不会读就把它写下来, 并注上音标,试着读一读。 _ _ _ _ 二.在这篇文章中出现了很多动词的过去式,你能找出来读一读并记住它们吗?go- hear- turn- see-sit- ask- reply- are-leave- meet- happen- say-tell- wonder- stand- listen-search- find- is- miaow-sound- pick- take- 想一想:在这么多过去式当中,你发现了什么变化规律? 三.试着到文中找一找下面的短语,到书上划一划,然后去读一读。1.一个星期天早上 2.坐在一棵大树下 3.听到从灌木丛里传来的低语声 4.转身 5.害怕做某事 6.快速离开公园 7.在他们回家的路上 8.仔细听 9.搜索灌木丛 10.自言自语 11.在灌木丛里找到一只小猫 12.听起来像 13.拿起一只猫 14.那天以后 15.带某人去某地 16.动物中心 17.告诉某人做某事 18.高兴地说某事 四. 在组内读一读文章,看看这篇文章讲了什么? 【课堂展示】1. Which kind of story do you like best ? (谈一谈你最喜欢的故事类型,课前小组查找资料)2. 单词环节(预习展示领读理解-练习)3. Watch the video of Reading. Try to finish the table below. (单独完成)TimePlaceCharacters(who)4. 再去读一读课文,你能完成以下信息吗?(单独完成-组内核对-全班展示)One Sunday morning, Millie went to _with Amy. As usual, they sat under the big tree. Suddenly, they heard a _ from the _.They looked around but saw _. They were _ and_ _ _ quickly.They met _ on their way and told him_. At last, Andy found a _ _ in the _. It was very _. He went to find Amy and Millie. They were _to see the cat.Later that day, they took the cat to the _ _.What an unforgettable(难忘的) day!5. Do an interview 组内分角色,一人扮演记者,还有人分别扮演Amy, Millie, Andy等,尽量完整的呈现这个故事。 你可以用到以下这些有用的句子:Reporter: Hello, everyone! Last Sunday, Millie and Amy went to Sunshine Park. But they met a ghost in the park. Wow! How amazing! Today I will do an interview with them, follow me!你还可以用到以下的问题(针对不同的角色问不同的问题):1.When did you go to Sunshine Park?2. What did you hear?3.Were you afraid?4. What did you say?5. On your way, who did you meet?6. What did they tell you, Andy?7. What did you find?8. Who made the sound?9. Why did the little cat sound like a ghost?10. Where is the little cat now?.Reporter: Thanks! From the story, we all know2
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