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Unit8课题Unit8 Section B (1a-1d)课型听说课课时序号3总课时5主备人审核人授课人学习目标熟练掌握词汇:1.单词:land, alien, suit2.短语:run after,something strange,run for exercise, wear a suit, catch a bus to work ,in the sky, a woman with a camera 学 习 流 程二次备课一、明标导入 学生感知学习目标(个人朗读或默读)二、 词汇学习任务一:会读写本课的单词和词组 1.个人自读,记忆本课单词。 2.小组互相检查单词读写情况。 着陆_ 追赶_ 西装_ 适合_ 套装_任务二:自读教材P61的内容,找到下列短语1. 回头看 2.上班迟到 3.看到一个人在跑 4.奇怪的东西 5.跑步锻炼 _ 6.赶公交车上班 3、 听说活动 1.看1a图片,使用方框中的单词写一句话,在组内分享 2.听录音完成1b并跟读录音 3.再听一遍录音,独自完成1c的句子四、展示点拨1.小组内分角色表演1d对话2.难点导学(1)They see a man running. 他们看见一个男人在跑。 hear/see sb doing sth.意为“听见/看见某人正在做某事”,doing表示动作正在进行。egI heard the girl playing the piano at this time yesterday. (2)He could be running for exercise. 他可能在跑步锻炼。 “情态动词+be+动词-ing”表示猜测正在进行或发生的动作 eg. Where is Mr Wang, do you know?你知道王先生在哪里吗? He could be reading in the office. 他可能在办公室看书。五、达标测评 单项选择()1.This book must belong _ Mike.AbyBatConDto()2.Whose notebookis this?It _ be Li Mings. It has his name on it.AmustBcantCcouldDmight()3.Cross the road carefully, or you _ be hit by cars.AmustBcanCmightDshould()4.How are you these days?Ive got a _.AcoughBto coughCcoughingDcoughed()5.I wonder _ the scientist will come to our school this weekend.AthatBwhatCwhichDIf( )6.The girl can _ sing, _ dance .Aeither; orBneither; norCnot only; but alsoDboth; and课堂小结What have you learned in this class?短语: 句型或句子: 3
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