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福建省宁化城东中学2012-2013学年七年级英语下学期第三周周练试题(无答案) 牛津版Unit 5 Topic 3 班级_ 姓名 _ 座号_ 得分_A)词汇。(34分) 1周一 _ 2.周二 _ 3.周三 _ 4.周四 _ 5.周五 _ 6.周六 _ _ 7. 周日_ 8 . 从。到_ 8.物理_ 9地理 _ 10体育 _11.美术_ 12.数学_ 13.科学_ 14历史 _ 15.biology_ 16.politics_17.学科_ 18.会议_ 19. 迟的_ 20. 夜晚_ 21书房_ 22. 邮票_ 23.容易的_ 24.有趣的_ 25.难的_ 26.哪个_ 27.乏味的_28.最好的_ 29. 写_ 30.友好的_ 31声音_ 32. 二月_ 33.注意_ 34在。之间_ B).根据汉语提示完成句子。(6分)1Thank you for your _ _ (努力工作) .2. The book is very interesting, We can _ a lot _(从中学习)it.3.-How often do you do _ _(户外活动)? Three times a week. . 单项选择。(10分)( )1._ English lessons do you have on Friday? Two.A. How many B. How often C. How long( )2.Wheres Mike?He is working _ math _ in the classroom.A. in; problemB. on; problemsC. in; problems( )3. Linlin is often in a red skirt. She _ like red very much.A. must B. can C. would( )4. History is an interesting subject. We can learn _ the past.A. of B. about C. for( )5.What do you think of your school life? _ I like it very much.A. My school life is boring.B. I dont like my school life.C. My school life is very interesting.( )6._ do you like science? Because its interesting.A. What B. When C. Why( )7. Miss Gao is always kind _ her students. They love her very much.A. to B. of C. for( )8._ class are you having? We are having an English class.A. Which B. What C. When( )9. There is a soccer game _ Class One and Class Two on the playground at 5:00 this afternoon.A. on B. both C. between( )10. Tom often _ TV on Saturday evenings, but now he is _ newspapers.A. watches; readingB. watching; readsC. looks; reading. 情景交际。(10分)根据对话的情景,写出适当的句子,使对话完整通顺。A: Hello! _11_, please?B: This is David speaking. 12_ ?A: This is Li Lei.B: Hello, Li Lei. 13_ ?A: Im doing my homework.B: I think you are learning physics.A: Yes. Youre right. 14_ B: Because physics is your favorite subject.A: David, we want to play soccer this afternoon. Would you like to come with us?B: Yes, Id love to. When and where will we meet?A: We want to meet on the playground at 1:00 p. m. See you then. B: _15_ . 完形填空。(10分)This is our school. There is a very nice 16 in our school. It is big and bright(明亮的). It has all 17 of books and newspapers in it. We can 18 story books, picture books, English books and many 19 books there. We can 20 do some reading there. Maria likes reading very much. She goes to the library every day. Look, she 21 and reading by the window (窗口). Li Ming 22 borrows some books and reads them in it. He likes books.Im going to borrow an 23 story book. Our English teacher often 24 us to do more speaking and reading. I like English very much. I 25 I can do well in English. What about your school?( )16. A. dining roomB. classroom C. library( )17. A. kind B. kinds C. lots( )18. A. borrow B. buy C. look( )19. A. others B. other C. the other( )20. A. both B. also C. too( )21. A. is sitting B. sits C. sitting( )22. A. never B. seldom C. usually( )23. A. interesting B. English C. Chinese( )24. A. says B. speaks C. tells( )25. A. thinking B. think C. dont think. 阅读理解。(20分)(A)School Art Festival(艺术节)Do you want to watch different kinds of programs(节目)?Come to the Art Festival in the school hall. You can come with your parents and friends. From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every Saturday. Movie NightPlace: School HallDay: FridayTime: 8:00 p. m. -10:00 p. m.Movie: The Four(四大名捕)Stars(主演): Deng Chao, Liu YifeiBasketball GameAttention, please! There is a basketball game between our school and No. 3 High School in the gym at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow. Please come and watch it.School LibraryDo you have old book
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