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浙江省余姚市兰江中学2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期期中试题一、 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)There was a sheepdog(牧羊犬) named Wylie. You couldnt imagine how 1 she was! She could 2 the sheep well. She drove them out to 3 when they were hungry, and brought them home when it was time to sleep. When the sheep got afraid, Wylie knew well 4 to do.But later, she was given to two kind men in the neatest town 5 her master(主人)was too old. There Wylie didnt have to do any work-she was just a 6 dog. She looked happy at first. But not long, the family noticed something 7 about their pet. Every Tuesday night, Wylie went out and came back with her 8 coat wet on the next morning. 9 knew where Wylie went. Near the town was a big market. Farmers brought their sheep there for sale. The sheep were 10 being there. But every 11 morning, the farmers would see a little dog with silk coat come. The little dog 12 the sheep like a school-teacher. She made them quiet but 13 hurt them! Every farmer would like to 14 the helpful dog but couldnt catch her. One day Wylies masters went to the market 15 her, they met the sheep farmers. At that time, everyone knew the fact. Then they all loved Wylie better than ever.( ) 1. A. weak( ) 2. A. look for( ) 3. A. sleep( ) 4. A. when( ) 5. A. because( ) 6. A. show( ) 7. A. common( ) 8. A. house( ) 9. A. Everybody( ) 10. A. afraid of( ) 11. A. Tuesday( ) 12. A. sold( ) 13. A. sometimes( ) 14. A. keep( ) 15. A. forB. beautifulB. compare withB. eatB. howB. althoughB. policeB. wonderfulB. winterB. NobodyB. pleased withB. WednesdayB. hurtB. alwaysB. driveB. byC. cleverC. take care ofC. swimC. whyC. unlessC. petC. clearC. silkC. AnybodyC. interested inC. ThursdayC. ledC. oftenC. saveC. toD. sillyD. keep away fromD. playD. whatD. ifD. guideD. strangeD. paperD. SomebodyD. excited aboutD. FridayD. hitD. neverD. helpD. with二、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)A Look at your calendar. Can you see daxue and dongzhi on it? They are jieqi. In China, there are 24 jieqis. In English, we call them the 24 solar terms. Now, not only Chinese people but also the rest of the world knows about them. On Nov 30, 2016, UNESCO made a decision. It added the 24 solar terms to the list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. About 2,000 years ago, Chinese people studied the changes of different seasons. Later, they made 24 solar terms to help people live and work. For example, it is usually snowy on xiaoxue. After lichun, the weather gets warm. People then begin to work on the farm. Today, the 24 solar terms are still helpful in our life. Here are two examples. One is hanlu and the other is dongzhi. Did your grandma tell you “dont show your feet after hanlu”? Thats because cold days are coming! On the day of dongzhi, your parents always cook dumplings for you. It is said that eating dumplings can protect you ears in the cold winter.( ) 16. How did Chinese people make 24 solar terms? A. By studying the weather in China. B. By studying the changes of seasons. C. By studying peoples everyday life. D. By studying peoples farm life.( ) 17. How many examples are given in the last paragraph?. A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five( ) 18. If we can read the passage from a magazine, the name of the magazine might be . A. Chinese History B. World weather C. Eating Habits D. Medical CareBMartin Luther King, Jr. was a famous leader in American history. He was a great civil rights leader. He was born in 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He believed that people should not judge each other by skin color.His dream was for black people and white people to be able to live in peace with one another. He dreamed black children and white children would be able to play together. He thought they should also go to the same schools, use the same restrooms, and drink from the same drinking fountains.Martin Luther King, Jr. risked his life many times in his struggle for black civil rights. He did not believe in violence. Martin Luther King, Jr. used his voice to tell people his ideas. He was very good at speaking to people. He spoke of his dreams for America. He gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963. His ability to talk about things instead of fighting earned him good fame. He received the Nobel Prize for Peace when he was thirty-five yeas old.( ) 19. He believed that people should not judge each other by . A. the birthplace B. skin color C. the country D. the family( ) 20. Martin Luther King, Jr. did a lot of things for A.
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