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Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music? (period 3,Section B,1a2c,)班级: 学生姓名: 教师查阅情况: 课 题:Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music? (period 3,Section B,1a2c,p55& self check)目标导航1.通过本课学习,我们要学会与人有效地交流,提高交际沟通能力,解决实际生活问题。2.学会使用Would you mind?句型解决实际生活中的问题。3.重点词汇和语句: waitress, brought, solution, hasnt, the wrong size, French fries, give sb a terrible haircut, complain aboutHave you ever complained about these things?The pen you bought didnt work.I ordered a hamburger with French fries, but only got my hamburger.Would you mind giving me a smaller one?(目标层次说明:识记,理解 ,简单运用, 综合运用)学 习 程 序知识宝库学习内容与方法1.Have you ever complained about these things? 你曾经抱怨过这些事情吗?complain为动词,表示“投诉,抱怨”,常用结构有:complain(to sb) about / of sth (向某人)抱怨某事;complain that抱怨某事。eg: She complained that the meal was cold.Step 1 课前反馈。1.Put the following sentences into English.把下列汉语句子译成英语。你介意把音乐声音关小点吗? 不,一点也不。 ?请你在数学方面帮帮我好吗? 如果你完成这些任务,我们今晚可以去看电影。 你父亲在开会而我要去买东西。 请你不要在这照相好吗? 2.Warming-up.热身练习。(通过自主学习,你能熟练读出P55的生词,并知晓它们的汉语意思吗?)Step 2 Self-study. 自学&交流讨论。1. Preview the materials in p55 and translate the following phrases.预习p55的材料,并就下列短语英汉互译。 理 发 迟 到 拿给某人尺寸错误的衣服 给某人上错菜 订一个有炸薯条的汉堡包 学习内容与方法知识宝库2.What annoys you in your daily life? Have you ever complained about these things? How do you deal with them?(在你的日常生活中你有哪些烦恼的事?你曾经抱怨过这些事情吗?你怎么处理这些事情?)3.Listen to the tape and complete 2a & 2b. 4.Listen again and repeat as much as possible.Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. 5. Pairwork Role play conversations after the modle in 2c. A: B: 6.Complete Self check 1.完成自我检测1。 Step 3 Showing. 展示提升。 就步骤二里的内容进行分组展示。Step 4 Consolidation. 知识巩固。 谈谈你本节课的收获吧!本节课我们主要学到了 。Step 5 Test. 达标检测。 Rewrite the sentences using the structure “Would you mind”?1. Dont talk. Would you mind not talking? 2. Please sit down. 3. Help me. 4. Dont use that pen. 5.Open the door for me. 6.Dont say goodbye. 2.The pen you bought didnt work. 你买的钢笔坏了。 you bought 是一个定语从句,修饰前面的名词“pen”,意为“你买的钢 笔”。sth doesnt/didnt work 相当于sth is/was broken或there is/was something wrong with sth,表示某物出故障了。eg:Toms bike doesnt work. = Toms bike is broken. = Theres something wrong with Toms bike. 汤姆的自行车坏了。学后反思3
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